<h3>Attendees :</h3>

Snjezana, Anissa, Sreeni, Abhijit, Harpreet, Rajeshwar, Nandini, Nazrul, Jane, Siraj

<h3> Discussion Summary </h3>
Update Center goal is to make it easy for users to download additional/newer app server components.<br><br>
Update Center will also be able to notify availiability of new/modified addon components<br><br>
Will become more useful in 9.5 when appserver is better modularized. <br><br>
Will have some common functionality with Netbeans Update Center. Cannot use NB Update Center UI direclty since it is closely linked to NB Update Center backend and the overall NB environment.<br><br>
For 9.1 this will be GUI only. For 9.5, we can consider CLI commands for updates. <br><br>
Discussed possibility of web-based UI vs Swing UI. Various considerations point to favoring Swing UI. This willalso work well with a Domains Manager UI, that can be developed in future.<br><br>
For this release, updates to appserver itself will not be supported through update center.
Update Center will work only with File based installs, not package based installs. <br>

<h3>Action items/issues</h3>

UI is not currently resourced. Abhijit's action item to follow up on this.<br><br>
More details needed in One Pager, for example, algorithm to decide what additional components are needed- Snjezana <br><br>
Where is this going to be hosted? Snjezana/Abhijit <br><br>
Should the UI have registration option? Need to decide.<br><br>
Need to define format for client configuration store (properties file or XML file)<br><br>
Need to populate out of scope section since we are reasonably sure we won't be able to implement all of this functionality in 9.1 (i.e. we'll concentrate on addon component installation and update and it is likely we won't have patching/update of base content in this release)<br><br>
Future roadmap - ideally, we should work with NetBeans to get to the point where we have single update center implementation which can support both products. Also need to think about possible integration with Purple Haze features.<br><brr