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Scope: GlassFish V3
Status: Work in Progress

Compatibility of Admin/Configuration Interfaces in V3 with V2, V1

A product's new release is either compatible or not with its previous releases. It's that binary, as someone taught me a while ago, when I was trying to understand the meaning of compatibility. Now that we are making changes to server's internal architecture, giving a thought to GlassFish V3's compatibility with earlier releases is important. It's a prudent approach not to be stuck on being compatible, but we should know that we have knowingly accepted some incompatibilities. We all agree on benefits of doing this.

This document does not discuss the product's incompatibilities w.r.t. Java EE and other specifications. It discusses/lists the incompatibilities from the public interface standpoint. This includes configuration files, templates, scripts, syntax of administrative commands, semantics of syntactically identical commands etc. Discussions about this should happen at

In the following table, all the incompatible items are listed. ACCEPTED status on an item means that community has accepted to live with the incompatibility on that item. REJECTED means the previous release interface must be reinstated so that we are compatible as far as that item is concerned. Default value of status is PENDING . DEFER means we are deferring an item for now and CCC should decide what to do.

Incompatibility table for domain's configuration

ID Impact Description of incompatibility, Possible work-around Contact Community/Stakeholder Decision(ACCEPTED/REJECTED/PENDING) Action Items
GENINC-0 High It's unclear what happens to the class-loading and various URL's we introduced in V1. The impact of various java-config attributes (e.g. classpath-prefix, system-classpath) needs to be found out. Jerome ( Sivakumar Thyagarajan *PENDING* Jerome to check with various uses of app server (e.g. Java ES products from Sun). We need to do more research. Jerome to send the diagram for class-loaders to June.
ID Impact Description of incompatibility, Possible work-around Contact Community/Stakeholder Decision(ACCEPTED/REJECTED/PENDING) Action Items
DOMINC-0 High? There is no DTD for domain's configuration file, domain.xml. This means that there is no schema that backs up domain.xml. Kedar ( *ACCEPTED* Kedar to introduce a version attribute on domain element.
DOMINC-1 Medium/Low The RMI Connector is turned off by default. Thus, the JConsole connectivity is not enabled by default. The plan for TP-2 is that the user would use standard RMI properties (rather user-unfriendly). Nandini ( *PENDING*
DOMINC-2 Medium Use the generic "application" element to register application information in domain.xml. Issue 4413 Hong ( *PENDING*  

Incompatibility table for asadmin

ID Impact Description of incompatibility, Possible work-around Contact Community/Stakeholder Decision(ACCEPTED/REJECTED/PENDING) Action Items
ASADMININC-0 High The value of --force on asadmin is now false. This means a user will need to specify --deploy=true in order to force a redeployment. Jerome ( *PENDING* Jerome to go and do some research (talk to some people, blog or otherwise, get some input). Kedar suggested AS_ADMIN_FORCE=true.
ASADMININC-1 Medium The database (Java DB) will now be started by server. Thus asadmin start/stop-database commands will need that admin-server is running. Jennifer ( *DEFER* We are using the local commands for TP-2 and then we will provide a way so that server manages the life cycle of the database.
ASADMININC-2 Medium It's unclear what happens to the --libraries option on deploy command. Are we carrying forward the V2-semantics for it? Hong Zhang ( PENDING  

Incompatibility table for AMX

ID Impact Description of incompatibility, Possible work-around Contact Community/Stakeholder Decision<br>(ACCEPTED/REJECTED/PENDING)
AMX-1 Low MBeanLogLevel Attribute type changed from java.util.logging.Level to String. Affects all AMX MBeans. Incompatible change, but likely no clients use this functionality. *PENDING*
AMX-2 High Config MBeans create()/remove() methods will all be changed to use some kind of generic approach so that arbitrary modules can be supported, and no special-case code is needed. This means that all createAbc() and removeAbc() methods seen in V2 MBeans will be removed. Highly incompatible change requiring client code revision. *PENDING*
AMX-3 Low Properties and system properties will exist as MBeans (Containees). Existing MBeans with properties and/or system properties will be become AMX 'Container's. Existing PropertiesAccess and SystemPropertiesAccess APIs are retained for backward compatibility. Only apps making dubious assumptions would be affected by this change, so its highly compatible. *PENDING*
AMX-4 High DOMINC-1 (absence of RMI connector) means that no remote connectivity exists for AMX! *PENDING*

Incompatibility table for other static files

ID Impact Description of incompatibility, Possible work-around Contact Community/Stakeholder Decision(ACCEPTED/REJECTED/PENDING)
OTHER-0 Low Remove the j2ee-modules/j2ee-apps subdirectories from applications repository file layout. Issue 4383 Hong ( *ACCEPTED*
OTHER-1 Low Don't support the native launcher. Motivation: We have addressed all the reasons for its existence by using Java launcher. Also, nobody seems to use it. Byron ( *PENDING*
Other-2 Medium Support platform-agnostic format for asenv.conf.bat file and rename it to Byron ( Kedar( *PENDING*

Meeting Co-ordinates

CCC meets every Wednesday. We might need to move to a more globe-friendly time, but till then, it is every Wednesdays at 3.00 PM Pacific.

*Toll Free Dial In Number: *(866)545-5223
*Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number: *(865)673-9887
*ACCESS CODE: *5789900
  • Meeting 1 - 12 Mar 2008