ID |
Task |
Owner(s) |
Date |
Link to document describing the task in sufficient detail |
Priority |
DONE? (Yes/No) |
A0 |
Make administration available on admin port |
Kedar |
*05 Mar 2008* |
RestoreAdminPortGFV3 |
P2 |
No |
A1 |
Finalize a list of admin commands for TP-2 |
Jane, Kedar, Sreeni |
*25 Jan 2008* |
AdminCommandsForGFV3 TP2 |
P1 |
*YES* |
A2 |
Make changes to config API to include default values |
Kedar |
*12 Feb 2008* |
ReinstatingV3ConfigDefaults |
P1 |
No |
A3-a |
Bring up MBeanServer and AMX global MBeans in DAS |
Lloyd |
*05 Feb 2008* |
LoadingAMXandMBeanServerV3 |
P1 |
*YES* |
A3-b |
Bring up AMX Config MBeans in DAS |
Lloyd |
*14 Feb 2008* |
LoadingAMXandMBeanServerV3 |
P1 |
*YES* |
A3-c |
AMXConfig MBeans working fully |
Lloyd |
*15 March 2008* |
LoadingAMXandMBeanServerV3 |
P1 |
*YES* |
A3-d |
AMX annotations to use strings instead of classes |
Lloyd |
*17 March 2008* |
LoadingAMXandMBeanServerV3 |
P1 |
*NO* |
A3-e |
AMXConfig MBeans to support create/remove sub-elements |
Lloyd |
*25 March 2008* |
LoadingAMXandMBeanServerV3 |
P1 |
*NO* |
A3-f |
Implement base hierarchy for AMX JSR 77 MBeans (blocking, work with Sreeni) |
Lloyd |
*25 March 2008* |
LoadingAMXandMBeanServerV3 |
P1 |
*NO* |
A3-g |
Support "official" (non-platform) MBeanServer |
Lloyd |
*25 March 2008* |
LoadingAMXandMBeanServerV3 |
P1 |
*NO* |
A4 |
Identify all the @Services we need for V3 DAS |
Kedar |
*10 Mar 2008* |
ServicesAdminV3 |
P3 |
No |
A5 |
Identify all the @Contracts we need for V3 DAS |
Kedar |
*10 Mar 2008* |
ContractsAdminV3 |
P3 |
No |
A6 |
Make stop-domain a local command |
Byron |
*21 Mar 2008* |
*MakeStopDomainLocal* |
P2 |
*YES* |
A7 |
Identify Admin Modules and Workspace Structure |
Kedar, Siraj, Nandini, Ken, Hong, Jane, Lloyd, Sreeni |
*20 Feb 2008* |
AdminV3Modules |
P1 |
*YES* |
A8 |
Reinstate Validation in Config |
Kedar |
*20 Mar 2008* |
ValidationAdminV3 |
P3 |
No |
A9 |
Reinstate Dynamic Reconfiguration in Config |
Kedar |
*10 Mar 2008* |
DynamicReconfigV3 |
P2 |
No |
A10 |
Implement Dotted Name Support in Config |
Lloyd, Kedar |
*10 Mar 2008* |
DottedNamesinV3 |
P1 |
No |
A11 |
Reinstate CreateDomain Command |
Siraj |
*03 Mar 2008* |
ReinstateCreateDomainV3 |
P1 |
No |
A12 |
Reinstate Launcher Start Domain |
Byron |
*19 Mar 2008* |
*ReinstateLauncherasAPIV3* |
P1 |
A13 |
Reinstate Runtime MBean Infrastructure (not needed for TP-2) |
Sreeni |
*25 Apr 2008* |
ReinstateRuntimeMBeans |
No |
A14 |
Create the overall admin commands (CLI) Infrastructure |
Byron |
*11 Mar 2008* |
V3 CLI Universal Environment |
P1 |
*YES* |
A15 |
Create a pseudo-schema that helps manage changes to the config API |
Kedar |
*05 Mar 2008* |
PsuedoSchemaForDomain |
P1 |
No |
A16 |
Discuss pros and cons of providing various exit codes on asadmin commands |
Byron |
*6 Mar 2008* |
ProsAndConsOfAsadminExitCodes |
P3 |
*YES* |
A17 |
Support for stop-domain command duplicate of A6 |
Byron |
*07 Mar 2008* |
- |
P1 |
*YES* |
A18 |
Support for delete/list domain commands |
Siraj |
*14 Mar 2008* |
- |
P1 |
No |
A19 |
Support for get/set/list commands |
Kedar |
*29 Feb 2008* |
- |
P1 |
No |
A20 |
Support for create/delete/list-jvm-options commands |
Kedar |
*07 Mar 2008* |
- |
P1 |
No |
A21 |
Support for create/delete/list-file-user commands - (added update-file-user P2 on 17th March) |
Nandini |
*28 Mar 2008* |
- |
P1 |
*YES* |
A22 |
Support for create/delete/list-mbean commands |
Kedar |
*25 Mar 2008* |
- |
P3 |
No |
A23 |
Support for backup/restore domain commands |
Byron |
*21 Mar 2008* |
- |
P3 |
*YES* |
A24 |
Support for create/delete-ssl commands - create ssl --type iiop-service to be done after TP2 |
Nandini |
*07 Mar 2008* |
- |
P1 |
*YES* |
A25 |
Support for create/delete/list-auth-realm commands |
Nandini |
*28 Mar 2008* |
- |
P2 |
*YES* |
A26 |
Support for change-admin-password command |
Nandini |
*14 Mar 2008* |
- |
P2 |
No admin password support for TP2 |
A27 |
Support for help, version commands |
Lloyd |
*14 Mar 2008* |
- |
P1 |
No |
A28 |
CLI framework support in option validation, man pages support, etc. areas |
Jane |
*21 Mar 2008* |
P1 |
No |
A29 |
Support for Restarting the domain (Launcher stays behind?) (P3) |
Byron |
*21 Mar 2008* |
P3 |
No |
A30 |
Do a robust implementation for status determination of the server |
Kedar |
*25 Mar 2008* |
P3 |
No |
A31 |
Make asadmin channel password-protected |
Siraj |
*30 Apri 2008* |
P2 |
*YES* |
AdminChannelAuthenticationSupport |
A32 |
Provide scripts that hide the concepts of domain from developers Related to A27 |
Byron |
*20 Mar 2008* |
ProvidingScriptsInBinFolder2HideDomains |
P2 |
*YES* |
A33 |
Make asadmin a simple one-line script. |
Byron |
*17 Mar 2008* |
P3 |
*YES* |
A34 |
Implement the admin GUI download on first access |
Kedar, Ken, Anissa |
*28 Mar 2008* |
HowAdminConsoleDownloadWorksForV3TP2 |
P2 |
*NO* |