Administration CLI Online Help

The Administration CLI Online Help provides provides reference information for Application Server administration commands and related concepts. This information is also provided in the Reference Manual.

The Administration CLI Online Help is distributed with the GlassFish downloads.

Please add your comments to this table in the following format:

Comment ID Section Comment Status – (RESOLVED/UNRESOLVED)
jy-001 add-resources vs apply-http-lb-changes I'm using asadmin <command-name> --help to review the manpages. In add-resources command, the OPTIONS section is in two column. One column for the option name and the 2nd column for the description. In apply-http-lb-changes, the OPTIONS section has option name on one line and descriptions on separate lines with indention. I prefer the latter. In progress: This change is being made to all man pages as they are ported from v2 to v3.
jy-002 configure-ha-cluster Is it possible to move the required option in the beginning in the Synopsis section? Why is the operand, clusterName in brackets? Can you remove the camel case in clusterName? In the Note section, can you put the sentence that starts with with "This command... " in bullets."?  
jy-003 configure-lb-weight Add a "" for
in Synopsis. In the description for instance-name=weight, a weight of 1 is the default and in the Description, it states that the default weight is 100. What is the actual default weight?
jy-004 configure-webservice-management Change columns to lines.  
jy-005 create-admin-object Change columns to lines. RESOLVED
jy-006 create-audit-module Change columns to lines. RESOLVED
jy-007 create-auth-realm Change columns to lines. RESOLVED
jy-008 create-connector-connection-pool Change columns to lines. RESOLVED

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