Resolved Comments for the Application Deployment Guide

The following table lists comments that have been resolved for the Application Deployment Guide for V3 Prelude.

Comment ID Section, Page Number/URL Comment Status – (RESOLVED/UNRESOLVED)
tjquinn Deploying an App Client, p. 42 The paragraph that begins "If you are using..." can be removed. At the very early stages of the JWS support work we thought this might be an issue but it is not (and never was). I should have spotted this earlier. Thanks to Hong for pointing it out. RESOLVED
tjquinn App. A, 61-62 graphical display of sun-application-client.xml structure omits vendor subelement of java-web-start element RESOLVED
hzhang Overview of Assembly and Deployment, JavaEE Standard Annotation The sentence "If the standard deployment descriptors have specified the attribute full, annotations in the application or module are ignored." The attribute "full" was renamed to "metadata-complete". RESOLVED
chengfang App. A sun-ejb-jar.xml login-config element should have an additional subelement "realm". See sun-ejb-jar_3_0-0.dtd RESOLVED
tjquinn-001 last section on p. 17: 'The NetBeans IDE' Can we mention in the paragraph that other IDEs will work as well? I know it's good to promote NB, but the paragraph as it stands could be misinterpreted to suggest that NB is required." RESOLVED
tjquinn_002 p. 18, #2, 1st sentence. reference to "server instance or cluster" Prelude does not support clusters or instances other than the default instance. Maybe change "an accessible server instance or cluster" to "a server" ?? RESOLVED
tjquinn-003 p. 20, automatic deployment, last sentence - reference to the default server instance Prelude supports only one instance so "the default server instance" could be confusing RESOLVED
tjquinn-004 p. 20, in "To Enable and configure..." - reference to developer profile and cluster profile Prelude does not have the cluster profile. RESOLVED
tjquinn-005 a few places - references to archive files being deployed Although the deploydir command is deprecated, the underlying feature is not. Developers can still deploy applications in expanded form by specifying a directory instead of a .war file on the asadmin deploy and redeploy commands and in the admin console. RESOLVED
tjquinn-006 p. 20, second sentence (mention of the _jar and _war directory suffixes It is true that within an app modules of different types can have the same name. The naming convention for the directories is accurate but of minimal use to users. GlassFish expands the app's modules into these directories internally. The only time users would be concerned with this convention is if they use directory deployment, which requires the user to "pre-expand" the archive into the directories. RESOLVED
tjquinn_007 p. 20, 2nd bullet at top Repeats how default names are derived which was just explained. The introduction to the bullet list says how to specify a name. So the 2nd bullet only needs to describe the --name option. RESOLVED
tjquinn-008 recheck of tjquinn-005 which is marked as resolved; p. 20 still refers to the deprecated deploydir command. It should refer to the fact that the deploy command can accept a directory as long as it is expanded correctly (as described in the text already). RESOLVED
tjquinn-009 p. 23, Dynamic Reloading section Please double-check with Jan about the treatment of JSPs. I believe what the text says is true: updating a JSP in the application directory will automatically trigger its recompilation. In prelude currently, to start using updated classes the user must either create or update the file .reload in the directory mentioned in the text or redeploy the application as explained on p. 24 in the "To Reload Code or Deployment Descriptor Changes" section. if it's helpful to explain to users, in fact the .reload feature triggers an automatic redeployment of the application. RESOLVED
tjquinn-010 p. 25, second bullet Another reference to the deploydir command. It should refer to deploy instead. RESOLVED
tjquinn-011 p. 26, list of asadmin commands, deploy The text seems to imply a difference between a module being 'deployed' and 'existing.' As far as the server is concerned, a module that is not deployed does not exist. I'd suggest removing 'or already exists' RESOLVED
tjquinn-012 p. 26, list of commands, deploydir This command is deprecated. Describe this feature as part of the deploy command instead. Also, we've used the term "exploded" and "expanded" already to describe this sort of directory structure. Here we introduce "open" as yet another synonym. Can we keep it to just two at least: exploded and expanded? RESOLVED
anissa-01 1st ch. 1st sentence Sun JavaTM System Enterprise Server, shouldn't this be GlassFish v3 Prelude ? RESOLVED Our docs refer to the for-sale version of the product. If a specifically GlassFish version will be generated, the product name variable name will change accordingly.
anissa-02 pg 17 the link to Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Installation Guide points to

and it results in 'Not Found' error

RESOLVED This link should resolve after the product is officially released.
anissa-03 pg 22, Dynamic Deployment keepSessions option. You usually mentions how to do a task with cli and gui, but for this no mention about the console. This is supported by checking a check box in the redeployment page. RESOLVED
anissa-04 pg23. Dynamic Reloading. It says dynamic reloading is enabled by default, however, it is 'false' by default. Since default will not be writing out to domain.xml, if you disable it, it is not writen out. Only when you enable, you see that it is set to 'true' in domain.xml. Not sure if this is a bug. Need to confirm with Tim/Jerome. RESOLVED Though disabled in the code, it is enabled (present) in the default domain.xml file. So "true" is the effective default, the one the user sees.
anissa-05 pg 24, Auto deployment Same as dynamic reload, default seems to be changed to 'false'. RESOLVED As for dynamic reload, "true" is the effective default.
anissa-06 pg 25, Directory Deployment This directory must be accessible from the Server machine, should we mention this ? RESOLVED
anissa-07 pg 26, asadmin command list-components. list-applications has been added for v3, should we mention this ? RESOLVED Changed list-components to list-applications. Since list-components wasn't mentioned in this book in previous releases, no need to note deprecation.
anissa-08 pg 26. . asadmin deploy can be used for directory deployment as well. deploydir command exists just for v2 compatibilty RESOLVED I have clarified this in my working version.
anissa-09 pg 26. deployment in console. You can also specify deployment settings that vary according to the type of module. We don't allow you change the module in v3 prelude since we only support war deployment. Maybe we don't need this sentence. RESOLVED EJB modules and web services are supported if the EJB and Metro add-on components are installed.
anissa-10 Deploying a Web Service. Admin Console doesn't show any Web Services. Please modify this session accordingly. RESOLVED Added Metro add-on note.
anissa-11 Deploying a WAR Module. maybe mention how to enable keepSessions in Admin Console RESOLVED
anissa-12 Deploying a WAR Module. If you include this property when you deploy the WAR module, the generated source is kept in domain-dir/generated/jsp/module-name. Should we give an example, how to specify this property. RESOLVED
anissa-13 Deploying an EJB JAR Module. This is not supported in v3 prelude. But the EJB Jar can be in a WAR file for deployment. May want to consult Tim about this. RESOLVED Added EJB container add-on note.
anissa-14 General comment: The limitation, ie the required packages to support EJB, Web Service, Message security is specified at the end of the chapter. It maybe better to specify the requirement in the section that talks about it. eg. Web Service deployment. RESOLVED
maheshk-01 pg 28, Deploying an EJB JAr module Remove the paragraphs about --keepgenerated, --retrieve and asadmin get-client-stubs as we do not yet support remote EJBs RESOLVED
maheshk-02 pg 36 cmp element (and sub elements): Add a note that CMP is not supported in prelude RESOLVED
maheshk-03 pg 36 is-read-only-bean, commit-option, use-thread-pool-id and gen-classes: Add a note "not supported" RESOLVED
maheshk-04 pg 36 bean-pool and bean-cache elements: Not supported RESOLVED
maheshk-04 pg 37 flush-at-end-of-method elements: Not supported RESOLVED
maheshk-04 pg 38 checkpointed-methods and checkpoint-at-end-of-method: Not supported RESOLVED
janey-01 pg 20 2nd bullet, you may also want to add WAR file: If deploying using the asadmin deploy command, the default name of the module is the prefix of the WAR or Jar file... RESOLVED Covered under Naming Standards.
janey-02 pg 22 I didn't understand the 2nd paragraph of item 3, Redeployment - "When redeploying through the Administration Console, the redployed module is deployed to the domain". In GFv3, module is deployed to the domain. There is no cluster or instances RESOLVED
janey-03 Chapter 1 Replace deploydir with deploy command and mention that deploydir is deprecated in GFv3, use deploy command instead. The deploy command accepts file or directory as the operand. The command can figure out if the operand is a directory then it will do a directory deployment. If user uses deploydir command, a warning message is displayed: "deploydir command deprecated. Please use deploy command instead." RESOLVED This is already done in the working draft.
janey-04 pg 25 Please add that directory deployment, "asadmin deploy directory" where directory is accessible to the server. RESOLVED
jane,tim,anissa CH.1 Q: reviewed; items above (10/09/08). JY reviewed, comments above (10/14/08). AL reviewed, comments above. All these comments incorporated. RESOLVED
Jan Luehe sun-web.xml elements Jan's comments received via email and incorporated. RESOLVED
Mahesh Kannan sun-ejb-jar.xml elements related to persistence Mahesh's comments received and incorporated. sun-ejb-jar.xml elements not related to persistence RESOLVED
Mitesh Meswani sun-ejb-jar.xml elements related to persistence Mitesh's comments received via email and incorporated.
Comment ID Date Section, Page Number/URL Comment Status – (RESOLVED/UNRESOLVED)
Example: jsmith-001 Date comment entered Detailed pointer to location in the doc Detailed comment Leave blank – the writer will provide status
ksaks-001 5/19 Global comment. Two examples : Page 27, Preface 2nd paragraph; Page 36 References to Java EE 5 should be changed to Java EE 6, and component spec versions should be updated to the latest EE 6 numbers. E.g., EJB 3.0 (JSR 220) should be EJB 3.1 (JSR 318) done 5/22/9
ksaks-002 5/19 Page 34, "Enterprise Java Beans(EJB) Modules" limitation Paragraph contents should be replaced with "In the web distribution, only EJB 3.1 Lite is supported. EJB 3.1 Lite includes support for Local stateless, stateful, and singleton session beans. Additional EJB features that make up the Full EJB 3.1 API such as Remote EJBs, message-driven beans, Web Service EJB Endpoints, and the EJB Timer Service, are available within the Glassfish v3 Enterprise Server Preview. Done 5/22/9
ksaks-003 5/19 Page 37, Web Module It's not clear from the writeup of Web Module that enterprise beans can be packaged in .wars. Suggest adding "enterprise beans" to first sentence and "enterprise bean classes" to the list in the last sentence Done 5/22/9
ksaks-004 5/19 Page 48, Example 2-2 It would be better to just remove this. Stub generation is no longer needed (they're generated dynamically at runtime) The option is supported for backward compatibility but it's better not to highlight it. Done 5/22/9
ksaks-005 5/19 Page 58, Stubs and Ties section This should be removed as well. It's better to just mention the get-client-stubs command when describing the use of appclients. Done 5/22/9
hong.zang 5/18/9 entire doc comments received by email Done 5/26/9
marina.vatkina 5/20/9 transactions comments received by email no transactions for Preview
jagadish.ramu 5/22/9 various comments received by email Done 5/26/9
tim.quinn 5/27/9 autodeploy examples comments received by email Done 5/27/9

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