Meeting minutes 03/09/10

1. Introduction

2. Proposed milestones:

  • Versioned application on disk: versioned application bits in repository, configuration of multi-versioned application in domain.xml, cli commands to support the deploy/undeploy of the versioned application.
  • Versioned application in runtime: enable/disable versioned application in runtime
  • Smoother transition of the enabled/disabled version in runtime (quiescing etc)

3. Timeline: Targeted for v3.1 and need to figure out more detailed timelines for milestones.

4. Code delivery:

  • Work on a branch for this work till we are ready to merge back to the trunk
  • Glassfish team review the first code drop before committing to the branch
  • Appropriate unit tests and code review accompanied with major check ins

5. May have a special time for next meeting due to the starting of US daylight saving time. Will go back to the normal time the meeting after next.

Action Items:

  • Mathieu et al: provide document(s) describing:

high level design, where things are now

  • Hong: create a branch for this work