Lists of asadmin SubcommandsThe following pages contain the official lists of subcommands that are supported by various releases of GlassFish Server: The list for a release forms the basis of documentation and QA work for the GlassFish Server administration CLI. Note that the list of subcommands for a release does not state the GlassFish Server distribution in which the subcommands are available. For this information, refer to the distributions/packaging specification. A subcommand is a part of a GlassFish Server module and is available only if the module itself is available. Usage Comparison with Previous ReleasesThe get-command-usages and get-command-usage-diffs scripts can be used to get the differences in commands from one release to another. To use the scripts, first run the get-command-usages script for each release. Start in the directory that holds the "glassfish3" directory for the release, and a "cmds" directory will be created with the usage for each command. Next, run the get-command-usage-diffs script, giving as argument the directory that contains the "cmds" directory for each release. So if you have 3.0 installed in v3.0/glassfishv3 and 3.1 in v3.1/glassfish3, the procedure is as follows: cd v3.0 get-command-usages cd ../v3.1 get-command-usages cd .. get-command-usage-diffs v3.0 v3.1 > diffs.results See the output of these scripts comparing 3.0 and the 3.1 trunk as of 8/26/2010. In this file, the lines marked with "<" are those from 3.0 and the lines marked with ">" are those from 3.1. A similar script was run for comparing 2.1.1 and 3.1. The commands that are in 2.1 but not in 3.1 are ignored for this comparison. See output of these scripts comparing 2.1.1 and 3.1 trunk as of 9/1/2010. New SubcommandsNew commands that are introduced in a release are identified with the release number for the release in the "Source" column. Subcommand OutputIssue 12236 requests a review of all subcommands for output consistency and backward compatibility. As a part of that effort, a set of guidelines for asadmin subcommand output are being established to help with the evaluation. |