Precedence of Asadmin Option Processing

Status of the document: In Process

<a name="intro"/>


Asadmin command line interface has a powerful and flexible way of specifying the various options that are accepted by various commands. This is an attempt to specify the order in which the options and their values are processed by asadmin.

<a name="details"/>


The order of processing all options except for password is as follows:
1. command line
2. environment variables
3. asadminenv.conf
4. default values in descriptor file
For password options, the order is:
1. passwordfile option from the command line
2. asadminenv.conf
3. asadminpass
Options that are processed from asadminenv.conf is GLOBAL to all commands. For example, if AS_ADMIN_PORT=4848 is available in asadminenv.conf, the port option value is available to all the commands.

<a name="ref"/>


Profiles One Pager, for asadminenv.conf file