This page is still under construction RESTful API Development Kit (RADK) Project Summary About This project is a Masters project, which is GlassFish open source related project 1 between San Jose State University (SJSU) students and Sun Microsystems, Inc. RADK is an open source toolkit that can generate web applications based on the RESTful API architecture for a given database schema. The important features of RADK are auto code generation and pagination for CRUD operations. To achieve its purpose, firstly this toolkit will generate the server side JPA (Java Persistence API) classes from a MySQL db schema; secondly, it will generate RESTful APIs from the persistence classes; thirdly, it will generate the necessary web GUI forms with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) support; and finally, the application will be built using Apache Ant and deployed in the Glassfish Application Server. Team
Name |
Email-id |
Edison Lascano |
[ ] |
Sadeesh Kumar Jayakumaran |
[ ] |
Swapnil Merchant |
[ ] |
Name |
Email-id |
Jagadesh Babu Munta |
[ ] |
Task |
Start Date |
End Date |
Abstract |
09-2008 |
12-2008 |
Project Plan |
09-2008 |
12-2008 |
Project design |
09-2008 |
12-2008 |
Implementation |
01-2009 |
05-2009 |

- Project Abstract
- Project Architecture
- Project Plan
- Limitations
Sub-systems of Radk(modules)
- Entities and session beans generator module (Sadeesh Kumar)
- RESTful web services generator module (Edison)
- Web pages generator module (Swapnil)
- Builder-Deployer-Runner module (Radk team)
- Performance and BenchMarks (Radk team)
- Test
- Test2