BluePrints Guidelines, Example apps and code for GlassFish If you are a user of the GlassFish project's Java EE 5 application server and want to learn more about using the technologies to build applications, then the Java BluePrints can help. The Java BluePrints has applications and code that can be used on GlassFish. All of the BluePrints code is available under a BSD style license so is easy to re-use in your own applications. Try some of these BluePrints on GlassFish, for example,:
- Java Petstore 2.0 Early Access Application is a large application that shows how to put many of the Java EE technologies together with Ajax and other technologies to make a web 2.o application. This application and all its code run out of the box on GlassFish. You can download the petstore 2.0 try it out and then peek under the hood and look at all the source code and learn how to design and build a web application on GlassFish.
- Java BluePrints Solutions Catalog for Java EE 5. This project has mini-applications, Ajax JSF components, and code that runs on GlassFish. Plus problem/solution documents for building apps.
- Java BluePrints AJAX components is a library of Ajax-enabled JSF components. This component library can be used in applications that run on GlassFish.
- Also see the Java BluePrints project on
- Discuss BluePrints. Participate in the forum to discuss programming issues about Java BluePrints, or file a bug, or contribute some docs or code.
Additonally, there are some other efforts releated to GlassFish and BluePrints. For example,