Why Continuous snapshot

The current snapshot is generated once in 24 hrs and this makes it difficult for developers to use bootstrap command and work on top of that.

Continuous snapshot

We now have a continuous snapshot for Sailfin being generated every 1 hr. This Image snapshot is a good stable base for the general developer community to work on. We are posting that Snapshot on external machine so user can work on top of that Snapshot. We are using Hudson to generate this snapshots. It takes 50 mins to build and 10mins to upload. This is available only for Linux and Windows.

Each Generated snapshot have different timestamp attached with name like 'sailfin-image-SNAPSHOT-(timestamp).jar'

As you can see that these snapshots have a timestamp , and the timestamp of the latest snapshot is available in the sailfin/bootstrap/

Unknown macro: {os.name}

.timestamp file when you run the target 'bootsrap-latest'. The contents of this timestamp file in your workspace would get you the appropriate snapshot version.

Note: Timestamp would be generated based on (GMT-08:00 Pacific Time US & CANADA).

Build using continuous snapshot

Note: This works on Linux and Windows OS only.
Commands to checkout SailFin Latest Snapshot and Doing build on top of that

1. % cvs -d:pserver:naman_mehta@cvs.java.net:/cvs co sailfin/bootstrap
2. % cd sailfin/bootstrap
3. % maven bootstrap-latest
These commands checks out the sailfin dependency and latest sailfin image snapshot based on content stored in sailfin/bootstrap/

.timestamp file.
4. % maven -Dmodules=

Unknown macro: {module-name}

These commands checks out the sailfin module that you wish to work on. Now you can make required changes in your module.
% maven -Dmodules=

These commands checks out the glassfish module that you wish to work on. Now you can make required changes in your module.
5. % maven -Dmodules=

Unknown macro: {module-name}

These commands builds your sailfin module. If any fails you need to fix them.
% maven -Dmodules=

These commands builds your glassfish module. If any fails you need to fix them.
6. % maven configure-runtime
This command creates the domain. Now you can run the mandated tests on your module.

Thanks to Naman for getting this all setup and displaying the patience to fix issues.