Bug Filing Guidelines

Use of Issue Tracker

Please use the Issue Tracker for Sailfin , to file bugs found in the Sailfin. Even, if a part of the fix involves some change to the GlassFish code base, the bug should be filed in the Sailfin Issue tracker, and the same issue id should be mentioned in the checkin log.

Categories and owners

Categories have been created in the issue tracker to assign bugs that belong to different modules. While an effort has been made to map each module with a category some sub-modules are folded into a single category. e.g. NetworkManager into sip_container, CallFlow into administration

Here is a table that lists the owners for bugs in each module/ submodule. If looking at the issue if you cannot make a call on where the bug is ,please let IssueTracker assign it to the default owner.

No. Module Category Owner(s) java.net IDs Owner(s)
1. deployment deployment prasads Prasad
2. JSR289 annotations annotation_support pellepedro Per Pettersson
3. JSR289 container sip_container ehsroha /sankara Robert, Sankar
4. Network Manager sip_container stoffe / rampsarathy Kristoffer, Ramesh
5. Container Lifecycle server_lifecycle eltjoboersma Eltjo
6. Admin CLI/ Extensions admin yaminikb Yamini
7. Admin GUI admin_gui irfanahmed Irfan
8. CallFlow / Monitoring admin yaminikb Yamini
9. Converged Load Balancer load_balancer pankaj_jairath Pankaj
10. Build system/Hudson issues build_system naman_mehta Naman
11. Session Replication session_replication jleuehe Jan Luehe ,Erik Van Der Velden

Priority and Severity definitions

Please see here