BugSWAT Process for SailfinAs we go beyond FF and SCF for beta , we need to start paying attention to bugs / issues that need to be fixed for a stable beta release of the product. Fixing bugs/issues is a continuous process and would continue beyond beta too.However as of now the immediate target is beta . How do we do that ?We will have regular meeting ( weekly or more than once a week ) for looking at open bugs/issues, prioritizing them and adding them to the queue to be fixed and checked in. These meetings are called BugSWAT or BugScrub. Bug scrub is a process to look at all the open high priority bugs on a periodic basis and monitor * * progress for timely resolution of these issues. After HCF, a beta branch will be created. At the time of this branch creation, there should not be any open P1, P2, and S1 bugs. Any bugs filed after HCF will be very closely monitored and only show-stopper issues will be allowed to get fixed in the beta branch. Any fix in this branch will also need to be fixed in the main FCS branch. The final beta build used for beta will not have any open P1, P2 and S1 bugs.Please see here for a definition of Priority and Severity. When will the meeting happen ?We will try and have a single meeting where developers from all time zone can attend. During these meetings, we will need the engineers who own the issues, the module leads and QA to attend. The intent is to get an update on the bug status and get these issues to closure within the time frame for beta. Time: 8:00 AM PDT/4:00 PM CET/8:30 PM IST What are the co-ordinates for this meeting ?This would be a phone in meeting in parts . * U.S: 1-877-807-6997 * U.S paid: 1-210-795-0500 * India: 000-800-852-1122 * Sweden: 0200-898-770 / 46-8-505-96-361 * Canada: 866-675-9751 Password : 8416364# Will there be an e-mail notification ?Yes, there will be an e-mail notification with list of issues being tracked. |