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Building a Simple V3/HK-2 Module ...


Building a V3/HK-2 module is probably the best way to understand (the damn thing ). It is an attempt to deliver an agile framework that makes developer develop their modules with ease. Today, unless a software lets plugins to developed with relative ease, it's not going to succeed, because developers find inventive ways to extend the base software. This is what makes Eclipse, Firefox, Hudson etc. popular software products.

Simple (yet powerful) scenario

Let's run ahead of time. Imagine that V3/HK-2 has been released. A user/developer lays his/her hands on it. Now, s/he wants to extend the capability of the kernel. Let's assume that the developer wants to:

  1. Start the module.
  2. Bring up a server socket at a particular port.
  3. Specify a set of configuration parameters and corresponding Java interfaces.
  4. Provide a set of asadmin commands to configure (dynamically) its configuration.
  5. Bring up a standard JMX Connector server and expose the configuration objects as dynamic JMX MBeans.