Contexts and Dependency Injection Developer Tests This page lists the ideas for developer tests that are to be developed for [3.1|^3.1CDI] CDI usecases
- Test all these unit tests in full profile and web-profile(wherever applicable)
- support for dependency injection into various kinds of beans(ManagedBeans, EJB Singleton Beans, SFSB, MDB, Interceptors, Servlets, Servlet Filters, JAX-WS service endpoints, JAX-WS handlers, JSP tag handlers, JSP Tab libraries, handlers)
- Typesafe dependency resolution- test straightforward usecases of Qualifiers, Alternatives and test ambiguous and unsatisfied dependency cases (test exactlt on Bean that satisfies each InjectionPoint is allowed)
- Test support for detection of unproxyable dependencies
- Test availability of default API types
- Test specification of API type via @Typed
- Programmatic lookup of a contextual instance - Test @Inject Instance<T> with qualifiers(with and without members), scopes etc
- test expose a JDK class, a JPA entity as a Bean using Producer methods
- Test @New in producer methods
- Test Disposer methods(SFSB @Remove methods as well)
- Interceptors – (test @AroundInvoke, @PostConstruct), test custom Interceptors
- Test ordering of Interceptors
- Test InterceptorBindingType inheritance(stacking of InterceptorBinding)
- Test for legacy support of @Interceptors(...)
- Test various kinds of Decorators and Interceptors ordering for a Bean
- Test Decorators: Delegate Injection Point
- Test Decorator ordering
- Test event producer, consumers where producers and consumers are in different type of Beans, different scopes etc. Test conditional observers, transactional observers(Rollback, Commit, transaction begin/end)
- Test multiple stereotypes defined in a Bean(see how conflicts are handled)
- Test overriding a stereotype in a Bean
- Test Stereotype stacking
- Test @Model in a JSF sample
- @Specializes and @Alternatives inheritance usecases
- Test handling of @Named in @Specializes
- Test use of Java EE component environment resources as "resources" (producer field referring to a java:/comp/env resource)
- Test availability of Built-in beans(UserTransaction, Principal, ValidatorFactory, Validator)
- Test lifecycle methods on ManagedBeans ( @PostConstruct , @PreDestroy )
- Java EE component environment injection in ManagedBeans
- Test Dependency injection in MDB
- Test CDI Interceptors on MDBs
- Test Portable extensions(- registering a framework Bean, wrapping an annotated type, adding InjectionTarget, custom scopes)
- Test availability of java:comp/BeanManager in an application component
- Test built-in scopes (Request, Session, Conversation, Application) scopes
- Test use of CDI in application clients, Java SE, embedded modes
- Test a complete/comprehensive EE6 web application sample that employs JAX-RS, CDI, Servlet 3, EJB3.1, JPA2, JSF2 like the one here
Weld-integration specific usecases
- Ensure tests exists that covers all integration points(JSF, EJB, Transactions, JPA, JNDI) in the Weld SPI.
- Make existing Weld samples(Weld number-guess and translator) as unit tests.
- Test existing portable Weld extensions such as Weld Logger, Weld wicket extension work in GlassFish