Dec 14th Webinar recordingDetails about the replay are available here: Chat Rooms we'll use for Q&A on the webinar replayThere are several chat rooms used by different members of the community. GlassFish AppServer Chat roomThe GlassFish community uses #glassfish at (use irc:// To chat you first need an IRC client. Then, the first time you will need to register using /msg NickServ REGISTER ''yourPassword'' Note that yourPassword is not secured. In later visits you will be using that password to identify yourself with the /msg NickServ IDENTIFY ''yourPassword'' To join the GlassFish channel, then /join #glassfish A log of converstation in the GlassFish channel is kept at -------------------- Installing ClientsThere are many clients available free and xchat seems be the most popular: Check out free Win32 XChat clients: There is also a very extensive list of clients (with reviews) at Or if you already use a recent version of the popular gaim instant messaging client, you can probably configure If you are behind a firewall, you will need to configure your client to work with an HTTP or SOCKS proxy. Access Count: (org.goodjava.plugin.hitcounter.HitCounter) |