Some Statistics on Community Participation - August 2006 Thanks to Matt for encouraging us to get better statistics. General Comments:
- This needs to be automated and made consistent
- Java.Sun.Com and Sun.Com Forums were manual estimates
- Java.Net forum counts were counted over last 30 days
- Mailing Lists @ Java.Net were counted through calendar month. In parenthesis, June, July, Aug
- The multiplicity of projects makes it hard to see aggregated trends
- Some mailing lists and forums are very active, some are not
- Some communities use forums, some use mailing lists
- Should try to separate Users from Developers but some lists (e.g. persistence) cover both
- We need to consolidate
- Hopefully the new CollabNet mailing-list/forum integration will help
Mailing lists Also see raw data and awk script. GlassFish core - Dev: (184, 174, 367), Users: (204, 481, 38), Admin: (8, 17, 74), Quality: (11, 8, 4), EJB: (36, 10, 71), Persistence: (80, 47, 387), Wiki: (0, 0, 94). Total: (523, 737, 1035) JAX-WS: Dev: (8, 55, 93), Users: (46, 59, 125) JAX-RPC: Dev: (0, 0, 1), Users: (2, 22, 35) WSIT: Dev: (2, 84, 138), Users: (3, 35, 16) JAXB: Dev: (32, 1, 10), Users: (146, 129, 124) JSF: Dev: (116, 55, 52), Users: (13, 6, 1) JWSDP: Dev: (0, 0, 0), Users: (39, 33, 18) FI: Dev: (6, 0, 15), Users: (1, 0, 0) Aggregated (mailing lists): All: (937, 1216, 1663), Dev: (348, 369, 676), Others: (589, 847, 987) Java.Net and Java.Sun.Com Forums GF@JN - 486/30d JAXB & JAX-WS@JN - 369/30d WSIT@JN - 2/30d Binary@JN - 10/30d jMaki@JN - 17/30d GF plugins@JN - 20/30d JSF Forum@JSC - 30/day Aggregated Forums - 904/30d + 30/day Related Projects Java.Sun.Com Technology Forums Java EE SDK@JSC - 5/day EJB@JSC - 7/day JSP@JSC - 38/day Servlets@JSC - 28/day JavaBlueprints@JSC - <1/day WS@JSC - 9/day JBI@JSC - <1/day XML@JSC - ~11/day JMS@JSC - 3/day Sun.Com Product Forums SJS AS(all) - <5/day SJS AS - 3/day SJS AS installation - <1/day Others all <1/day: System Adminstration, Migration, Performance and Tuning, Security, SE & EE, and PE Reference Points AppFuse: Dev: 58, Users: 600. We need additional reference points. Access Count: (org.goodjava.plugin.hitcounter.HitCounter)