2. Create ClusterWe will need to add support for create-cluster and delete-cluster commands. Create cluster will create the necessary configuration elements in domain.xml for a cluster. If --config option is not mentioned during create-cluster, it creates a copy of the default-config. deploy command needs to support --target option where it will add the necessary application-ref for a target (cluster or stand alone instance). For example, <cluster config-ref="cluster1-config" ...> <server-ref disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true" lb-enabled="false" ref="instance1"/> <server-ref disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true" lb-enabled="false" ref="instance2"/> <application-ref disable-timeout-in-minutes="30" enabled="true" lb-enabled="false" ref="applicationFoo"/> ... </cluster> 2.1 Token Support create-cluster has --systemproperties option that allows user to define the necessary tokens. For example, <config name="cluster1-config" ...> ... <http-listener acceptor-threads="1" address="" blocking-enabled="false" default-virtual-server="server" enabled="true" family="inet" id="http-listener-1" port="${HTTP_LISTENER_PORT}" security-enabled="false" server-name="" type="default" xpowered-by="true"> <!-- defines http port value for everyone using the config --> <system-property name="HTTP_LISTENER_PORT" value="8080"/> ... </config> <cluster config-ref="cluster1-config" ...> <!-- overrides http port value at config level --> <system-property name="HTTP_LISTENER_PORT" value="38080"/> </cluster> <server config-ref="cluster1-config" ....> <!-- overrides http port value at cluster level for this server--> <system-property name="HTTP_LISTENER_PORT" value="38181"/> </server> XXX Config - We will need a mechanism to get un-processed token value for administration at GUI and CLI Current v3 implementation 2.2 Support for Port Conflicts Refer to this write-up for more details on exiting GlassFish v2.x behavior. 2.3 Manual Synchronization ||---- config (config files common to all servers including the DAS) | ---- domain.xml, etc. ||---- <server/cluster-name>-config (cluster/server-specific data) ||---- applications ||---- <application-name> ||---- java-web-start ||---- <application-name> ||---- generated ||---- ejb ||---- <application-name> ||---- jsp ||---- <application-name> ||---- policy ||---- <application-name> ||---- xml ||---- <application-name> ||---- lib (libraries common to all servers including the DAS) ||---- docroot (the default web-container docroot, files are copied to instance's docroot) XXX We may include only deployed applications for a target as an optimization For example, on DAS machine user will do the following... % asadmin generate-sync-bundle --target <cluster1> </tmp/cluster1.zip> User will FTP the newly created bundle zip from DAS server to remote instance machine(s) and apply the content using a local command. For example, % asadmin apply-sync-bundle --target <instance1> <cluster1.zip> % asadmin apply-sync-bundle --target <instance2> <cluster1.zip> Use Case Scenarios
--> Bundle contains subset of directories under domains/domain1 - config (all files) - domain.xml, etc - c1-config (c1 specific) - applications (c1 specific) - hello - generated (c1 specific) - jsp - hello -lib (all files) -docroot (all files)
--> Unzip c1.zip under nodeagents/remote/i1 Technical Requirements
2.4 Ref Support Note: In this project, it is sufficient to create the application-ref or resource-ref in domain.xml and ensure that the associated applications/resources are loaded during server startup. Dynamic re-config or hot deployment project will deal with deploying the resource/application to the target server instance(s) dynamically.