Item Description Status Planned date
1. Descriptor Changes    
  - Implement sip.xml descriptor using DOL. Planning  
  - cordinate with sipcontainer to handle the changes.    
  - Make sure that descriptor/sundescriptor is available to internal glassfish context/container.    
2. JSR 88/ Deployment Facility changes to support SIP.    
3. Support for JSR 77 mbeans (will there be some work in deployment?). Done testing needs to be done  
4. Supporting display-type so that list-components CLI will work. list components would work now. Shows the SIP modules as extension-modules  
5. Changes to sun descriptors needed by security team. WIP  
6. Cluster deployment/synchronization bug. Done Available in b10
7. undeploy bug (I had hit this while development). Done  
8. Have we decided on annotation persisting? Not yet  
9. Multi core deployment issue. Fixed. Added a jvm-option to work around  
10. Changes to the syntax for using @Resource annotation with SipSessionsUtil/SipFactory Needs some redesign Dec 21th