GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.x - Developer Test Status

Module Contact Total Tests Passing Tests How to Run Comment Last Updated
Admin Clustering and other asadmin commands Tom Mueller 2499 2499 See instructions , hudson job Tests actively being developed 1/3/12
Admin Console Anissa Lam 4 4 run as part of Quicklook No other developer test; was investigating on using Selinum but didn't finish. 7/21/09
Admin Console Jason Lee 107 107 cd admingui/devtests && mvn test The server must be running prior to start of tests 4/27/11
REST Interface Jason Lee 77 77 cd admin/rest && mvn -Prest-devtests test The server must be running prior to start of tests 4/27/11
Installer Sathyan Catari 9 9 Tests are developed based on abbott test framework using ant and JUnit. 11/22/2010
AMX Lloyd Chambers hundreds all AMX ComplianceMonitor always runs in the server. QL tests are part of QuickLook. These aren't dev tests, but are listed for completeness here. The AMX ComplianceMonitor thread validates each and every AMX MBean upon registration for AMX spec compliance. QuickLook tests cover other downstream areas. 07/24/09
Connectors & Resources Jagadish Ramu 432 432 Refer README.txt - 02/05/11
Resources CLI Jagadish Ramu 1615 1615 svn co,
Refer instructions ,
ant -Dteststorun=all-resources all
- 02/05/11
Deployment Hong Zhang 244 (DAS target), 177 (standalone instance target), 329 (cluster target) 244/177/329 See instructions , hudson job 09/28/10
EJB Marina Vatkina 196 196 Checkout, and run ant inside the ejb directory EJB dev tests 3/30/10
GMS Joe Fialli 14 14 svn checkout; cd gms; mvn clean install TBD: directions to run up to 6 distributed shoal dev test under hudson GMS junit tests; GMS distributed testing still being automated, manual at this time 5/6/10
Grizzly Oleksiy Stashok 260 260 mvn clean install Grizzly unit tests (Give about 30 minutes to run) 2/18/11
JAX-WS Jitendra Kotamraju hundreds few failures The test are not run with GlassFishV3. See,r=1.78/jax-ws-sources/jaxws-unit/docs/index.html JAX-WS API/Impl tests Adding new tests weekly
JDBC Shalini Muthukrishnan 223 223 Refer README - 02/05/11
JSF Roger Kitain hundreds all See JavaServerFacesRI#section-JavaServerFacesRI-HowDoIRunTheUnitTests JSF API/Impl tests Adding new tests weekly
MEJB Lloyd Chambers 1 all cd common/mejb; ./runtest passing 07/24/09
Monitoring Jennifer Chou 10+ all devtests cross-module 10/26/10
scripting/jruby Vivek Pandey 30 30 svn co [    
Webtier Amy Roh 704 704 cd appserv-tests/devtests/web & ant all hudson job Tests actively being developed. Takes ~80 minutes to run the entire suite 2/15/11
Sivakumar Thyagarajan, Kshitiz Saxena
svn co
Instructions are at in the root directory
passing against full and web profile with and without security manager

SVN server name should be:


Posted by 20177 at Jun 15, 2012 08:36