Documentation Plan for JRuby on GlassFish V3, TP2 Release

  1. Introduction
    1. What is Ruby?
    2. What is Rails?
    3. What is JRuby?
    4. Advantages of JRuby over other Ruby implementations
    5. JRuby on Glassfish and the JRuby GEM
  2. Getting Started with JRuby on GlassFish V3
    1. Setting up JRuby
      1. Download and install JRUby
      2. Specify JRUBY_HOME
    2. Installing Rails
    3. Setting up the GF V3 GEM
  3. Running a prepared RoR application on GF.
  4. Creating a Rails appplication
    1. Generating a Controller
    2. Create scaffolding
    3. Bundle Rails as a WAR file
  5. Running a Rails app on GF
    1. Host app on V3 GEM
    2. Deploy app on GF
  6. Accessing a Java EE component from a Rails app using jRuby