Domain Manager

Differences Between PE and EE on V1

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[Install Root Directory Differences|^rootdiffs.html]



Here are directory listings from install/bin from the 2 flavors of SJSAS:


appclient.bat          ctestfwd.dll           genprops.exe           icuin2d.ilk            icuuc2d.dll            uconv.exe
asadmin.bat            ctestfwd.ilk           genrb.exe              icuio2.dll             icuuc2d.ilk            verifier.bat
asant.bat              decmn.exe              gentest.exe            icuio2d.dll            jspc.bat               wscompile.bat
asapt.bat              genccode.exe           gentz.exe              icuio2d.ilk            makeconv.exe           wsdeploy.bat
asupgrade.bat          gencmn.exe             genuca.exe             icule2.dll             msvcrtd.dll            wsgen.bat
capture-schema.bat     gencnval.exe           icudt2.dll             icule2d.dll            package-appclient.bat  wsimport.bat
cliutil.dll            gennames.exe           icuin2.dll             icule2d.ilk            pkgdata.exe            xjc.bat
ctestfw.dll            gennorm.exe            icuin2d.dll            icuuc2.dll             schemagen.bat


appclient.bat          asapt.bat              cliutil.dll            schemagen.bat          wsdeploy.bat           xjc.bat
asadmin.bat            asupgrade.bat          jspc.bat               verifier.bat           wsgen.bat
asant.bat              capture-schema.bat     package-appclient.bat  wscompile.bat          wsimport.bat
  • PE and EE have the same core of 16 files
  • EE adds 31 additional files. These additional files are executables, dlls, and junk (ilk).
  • Of the 16 same files, 13 are effectively identical: The only difference is the absolute path of asenv.bat
  • Three of the scripts are significantly different:


asenv differences
There is only 1 file in the directory: asenv[.bat]. Interestingly, this file is virtually identical on PE/EE. This is interesting because the install/bin scripts differ significantly in explicitly adding AS_NSS into the path for EE but not PE. But PE has the exact same AS_NSS location as EE. I believe that AS_NSS should be dispensed with because it is just pointing at the usual lib directory anywayss, and it adds unneccessary complexity.

One other slight difference is that PE defines AS_HADB to point at yet another environmental variable, %HADB_HOME%. This is wildly strange because PE does not contain any HADB functionality at all.

Vestigal Directory

EE installer creates an unneccessary empty unused directory named install/config/hadb. Installer should stop doing this.


install/lib differences
There are zero files that are present in both EE and PE that are different. I.e. install/lib files in EE are a pure superset of PE files. Once again there are a lot more files in EE than PE. EE has 4 subdirectories under lib which don't exist in PE:

  1. installer-builder
  2. jdbcdrivers
  3. lbplugin
  4. SUNWjdmk

There are 55 files in the EE lib directory that are not present in PE. These files are all binaries, and many of them are junk temporary files (pdb, exp, chk) from the C++ build. See the [diffs|^libdiffs.html] for details.

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domain1/config differences


The default domain(domain1) was started for both PE and EE to allow system directory deployments to complete. This also forced the config files to be rewritten. The rewriting ensures that the order of attributes are identical which makes the diffs better.


  • EE has 4 files that PE does not have:
    • .synchronize
    • cert8.db
    • key3.db
    • secmod.db
  • PE has 2 files that EE does not have:
    • cacerts.jks
    • keystore.jks
  • 7 files are different:
    • admin-keyfile
    • admsn
    • domain-registry
    • domain.xml
    • secure.seed
    • server.policy
    • sun-acc.xml


domain.xml differences (UNIX style diff)
domain.xml differences (HTML style diff)
server.policy: the changes add policies for:

  • HADB
    High Availability Database
  • MFWK
    monitoring framework
  • JDMK
    Java Development Management Kit
  • iMQ
    iPlanet Message Queue

Extra Directories

EE adds this directory structure under domain1/config:

  • default-config/docroot (empty)
  • default-config/lib (no regular files)
    * default-config/lib/ext (empty)

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Diffs between EE and PP Versions of startserv script

EE: <

PE: >

&lt; set PATH=%AS_NSS%;%AS_INSTALL%\lib;%AS_INSTALL%\bin;%PATH%
&lt; cd %INSTANCE_ROOT%\config
> cd "%INSTANCE_ROOT%\config"
&lt; 	"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appservLauncher.exe" "%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appservDAS.exe %DOMAIN_NAME%" "\"%INSTANCE_ROOT%/bin/startserv.bat\" display %*"
> 	"%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appservLauncher.exe" "%AS_INSTALL%/lib/appserv.exe %DOMAIN_NAME%"  "\"%INSTANCE_ROOT%/bin/startserv.bat\" display %*"

<li>The missing quotes around INSTANCE_ROOT are definite trouble if there is a space in the directory name
<li>AS_NSS is useless – it just points at install-dir/lib
<li>There appears to be zero difference between appservDAS.exe and appserv.exe – both files are the same length.


There need be no differences between these files.