NetBeans IDE Requirements

The Java EE 6 Tutorial and First Cup need NetBeans IDE to provide the following features so we can create, package, deploy, and run the examples:


  • Default EJB-type for EE 6 projects should be no-interface local view EJBs
  • File->New->Enterprise Bean->Singleton
  • Add EJB to WAR project support:
    • Right-click->Add to WAR->EJB....
    • If an EJB is added to WAR project, create ejb-jar.xml in WEB-INF.
    • Ability to add EJB JAR project to WAR.
    • Nice to have: add necessary JCDI annotations to EJBs created in WARs so they can be used with JSF.


  • Update wizards to reflect JPA 2.0 defaults
  • Update wizards for new JPA 2.0 composite primary key features


  • Option to set keystore, truststore, keystore password, and truststore password within NB.

JavaServer Faces/Facelets

  • Update wizards to reflect JSF 2.0
  • Update Facelets plugins (4) to work with NB 6.7 (done)
  • Update Facelets plugins to reflect Facelets 2.0
  • Add composite component support to Facelets plugin (ease-of-use)