<exceptions> <unused> <bundle name="Add your bundle name"> <packages>Comma separated package names that should be excluded from being reported as unused for your bundle</packages> <comment> Add a comment explaining why it is done </comment> </bundle> <bundle name="org.glassfish.transaction.jts"> <packages>org.glassfish.transaction.jts.recovery, com.sun.jts.utils.RecoveryHooks, com.sun.jts.jta </packages> <comment>Used by connectors-runtime (org.glassfish.transaction.jts.recovery) and testing (the others) </comment> </bundle> <bundle name="org.glassfish.javax.enterprise.deploy"> <packages>javax.enterprise.deploy.model.exceptions </packages> <comment>This package is spec-related, so we should export it so users can find the contents, even though GlassFish itself does not use it. </comment> <bundle name="org.glassfish.appclient.gf-client-module"> <packages>* </packages> <comment>These packages are not used by GlassFish itself, but might be used by users building OSGi modules of their own. - By Tim Q. </comment> </bundle> </unused> <duplicate> <bundle name="Add your bundle name"> <packages>Comma separated package names that should be excluded from being reported as being duplicate for your bundle</packages> <comment> Add a comment explaining why it is done </comment> </bundle> <bundle name="javax.ejb"> <packages>javax.xml.rpc.handler</packages> <comment>Repackaged classes into javax.ejb.jar per EJB spec requirement </comment> </bundle> </duplicate> </exceptions> |