Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the main purpose of FishCAT ?

The goal of this program is to get GlassFish community members involved in testing the GlassFish V3. Participants will provide feedback on product usability, quality and performance. In return, the participants are given an opportunity to significantly influence the quality of GlassFish V3.

2. How can I participate in this program ?

  • To enter, you must be a member of the GlassFish Quality Community. If you are not, Please Join
  • To enter, you must apply for the FishCAT program by submit the FishCAT application form to [Mailto]. All Entries must be received by 11:59 P.M. (PST) on August 4, 2008

3. What is the FishCAT task ?

As a member of the CATFISH program you will be expected to provide us with feedback on the two functionality areas you chose to test in GlassFish V3. In most cases, participants need to test weekly promoted build of GlassFish V3, occasionally, they will need to test nightly build of GlassFish V3 for bug verification purpose. You can use the issuetracker to report bugs and use mailing list to report your experiences.

4. Are there any benefits for me ?

Yes. The opinions you voice will be treated with care. You will have a chance to influence which bugs get fixed. If a particular bug is identified as a showstopper, the bug will be fixed before FCS.

Every participant with more than 15 CAT points will receive a gift from us (special glassfish T-shirt)! Furthermore, the three persons with most CAT points will win a ipod touch (8GB).

5. How to earn the CAT points?

Input of each participant will be evaluated during the program based upon the various feedback types.

Activity type CAT points
Bug 5
Review entire doc 10

6. What hardware requirement is ?

Here are the minimum hardware configuration requirements of GlassFish.

Operating system Processor Memory Disk space
Solaris 433 MHz6 (SPARC II) 512 MB 850 MB
Windows 860 MHz Pentium III 512 MB 1 GB
Linux 860 MHz Pentium III 512 MB 850 MB
Mac OS X Power PC G4 512 MB 850 MB

7. Where to ask further questions ?

Don't hesitate to ask your FishCAT program coordinator [Judy Tang] and [Yifeng Luo] for any question you have.