How does the web container compute filesystem resource paths corresonding to alternate docroots?

When configuring an alternate docroot, keep in mind the following rules:

  • Alternate docroots (more specifically, their <code>from</code> values) are matched against a request's path info (obtained by calling <code>javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.getPathInfo()</code>).
  • The local path of a resource whose request has been matched by an alternate docroot is computed by appending the request's path info to the alternate docroot's <code>dir</code> value.

As an example, consider the following alternate docroot declaration in <code>sun-web.xml</code>:

<property name=''alternatedocroot_1'' value=''from=/orderstore/* dir=C:/stryker_cci/orderstore''/>

and this request URL:


Assume the request is mapped to a web application deployed at <code>/CIWeb</code>, meaning the request URL's context root component is given as <code>/CIWeb</code>, and its path info component is given as <code>/orderstore/test.txt</code>, which is matched by
the above alternate docroot. The local filesystem path where the requested resource will be looked up is given as the value of the alternate docroot's <code>dir</code> value:


with the request's path info:


appended to it, resulting in:


As another example, consider the following alternate docroot declaration in <code>sun-web.xml</code>:

<property name=''alternatedocroot_1'' value=''from=/myimages/* dir=/images''/>

and this request URL:


Further assume that the above request is mapped to a web application deployed at the root context (<code>/</code>). In this case, the request's path info evaluates to:


meaning it is matched by the above alternate docroot. The local filesystem path where the requested resource will be looked up is
given as the value of the alternate docroot's <code>dir</code> value:


with the request's path info:


appended to it, resulting in:
