How do I configure Digest authentication?

Q. I cannot find how Digest authentication can be configured. When I select Digest as the authentication mode instead of BASIC (in web.xml editor in NetBeans), it does not allow me to specify a realm name – what can be wrong?

A. Jan Luehe: GlassFish does not support Digest authentication. Citing Ron Monzillo:

In order for the server to recalculate the digest that arrives with the request, the server needs access to the clear text password, which is a security vulnerability since it creates a situation on some servers where there is persistent storage of all user passwords in some clear form.

Shreedhar: You could potentially get a patch for applying to your v2 installation if your company is a commercial support customer. Have you considered purchasing support from Sun? It comes at a very reasonable price. Here's a link to the support options.

Venu: Digest Authentication is being enabled in SailFin and will soon be in GlassFish. You can download SailFin bits from

Shing Wai Chan: Digest Authentication has already been ported to GlassFish v3.