How can I backup persistent timers and jms queues and topics?(Taken mostly from this thread) Reliable messaging can be achieved via the use of Acknowledgments, Transactions and Persistent Messaging as explained in Persistence Services available in OpenMQ are explained at With Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 and above, through a highly available data store, HADB, we now have HA in the JMS path as well JMS persistent messages can be configured to be in any database (e.g: Oracle or the built-in HADB if you are using Sun Java System App Server in "Enterprise" profile). If you use the JMS provider in GlassFish with a file-system as message store, you have to make sure that the file-system is highly available. Timers metadata can be kept in any XA-capable data source. So any reliable database would work. Follow the replication/reliability guidelines of the vendor. |