What about a simple Quicklook tutorial? From Kedar: Write a script like this: md \gf\ql<br> pushd \gf\ql<br> cvs -d %cvs_gf% co glassfish/appserv-tests/community <br> cd glassfish\appserv-tests\community<br> call ant -Dglassfish.home=c:/glassfish -lib lib all <br> test-output\index.html<br> popd<br> Notes:
- In my experience the tests will pass only once. If you run it a second time it will fail. I reinstall the runtime before running QL.
- If you are using Windows, there will be multiple copies of DAS running when it finishes.
- If you are using non-standard ports in DAS, it will fail.
- You must use Ant 1.7.