Improve Startup performance Meeting Minutes 9th Feb 2007 Attendees: Prashanth, Tim, Suveen, Scott, Abhijit, Jan Agenda for Feb 9th 2007
- Analyse the data for the regression/addition of new components which caused the degradation of timings from 8.2 and 9.1
- Lifecycle modules - threaded startup
- Update from Nandini/Lloyd
- System Apps - Serialize the descriptors to save the time on parsing (2.7% overhead)
- Upgrade check - 8.8% of the total start up time is spent on doing the StartDomainCommand.checkAndExecuteUpgrade (Can we use configcontext instead)- Kedar
- AdminGUI - Status from Ken/Prashanth
- JMSProviderLifeCycle - onStartup is taking 6 secs when compared to 8.2 - Update from Ramesh
- Look at more areas that can be improved - Prashanth
- Status from the dashboard
- Open Mic