Welcome to the FishCAT Localization Testing Community! Introduction Localization Testing is part of the FishCAT Testing program, designed to have community contributors involved in the quality assurance of the localized GlassFish products as we value highly the feedback from the community members. We welcome everyone who is interested in participating in the Localization testing program and will work closely with all to make it a success. Current Glassfish product version is Glassfish v3, targeted to be released by end of Nov. 2009. The Localization Testing will include l10n testing and i18n testing. Please see below for detailed instruction. How to Join the Program
- First, join the java.net community by click this.
- Subscribe to g11n@glassfish.java.net alias: Go here and click button 'Subscribe' under 'g11n@glassfish.java.net after you login by your java.net account.
<!--* Sign the contribution agreement here, scan and send it to g11n@glassfish.java.net . -->
- Fill out this Application Form to pickup your language.
- Apply an account on TCM2. We will use that tools to manage testcases and track test process.
Download ML bundles will be placed at the promoted build location. http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/
Contribute process
- Prepare testing environment. Please check detail information in 'Prepare testing environment' section.
- An assignment will be ready in TCM2. You can pick assignment and start testing. Please check detail informations in TCM2 section.
- We use issue tracker from java.net. You can file l10n issues under the "l10n" category. Please check detail information in 'How to file a bug' section
What you can contribute
- I18n testing
- L10n testing
- Contrigute to the testcases or test samples if you want to contribute to community.
- We also like to see if you have any cool tool to share for testing.
How to Communicate
- We will use the same email alias: g11n@glassfish.java.net for FishCAT L10N program communication.
What you can gain from FishCAT L10n Testing Participants
- Your profile will also be on one of our popular GlassFish L10N blogs:
- Technical Knowlege about GlassFish and J2EE
- Testing especially L10N Testing tools and process
How to use TCM2 to view test assignment and log test result?
- You need login to system and click 'Result' -> 'Record/Export' in left.
- Choose proper item for 'Scope', 'Consolidation/Product', 'build' according to which project and build you are working. You can get this on that project's page.
- A list will be there, you can click on button 'Enter' or 'Edit' to view testcases and log test result.
- You can choose 'Pass/Fail/Untested/Skip' for each testcase overall result. Also you can enter bug id you filed and put comments for each testcase
- After you finish all testcases, you can give overall test result on top of that page. Then you can click 'Submit Result' finally. You should also remember to submit result by this way to save your middle result and avoid to lost your test result as network issue or session timeout.
How to file bug
- Here is issue tracker used for bug filing: GlassFish Issue Tracker . You can file new bug after login by your java.net account.
- There have l10n subcategory for us to file translation issue.
Other Localization Opportunities
- If you are interested in contributing to web content, FAQ, documents, please visit Glassfish G11n page