<h3>GlassFish Extras - Frameworks Tested to Work with GlassFish</h3>

Dont see a particular framework listed here? Consider contributing a blog/article and a pointer to the same and add the link on this page.

<b>Icefaces 2.0.0 Alpha 1</b> Icefaces is Open Source Ajax, J2EE Ajax, JSF Java Framework. Richard Kolb is testing Icefaces 2.0.0 Alpha 1 with GlassFish v3 and will write a document explaining how to run Icefaces 2.0.0 Alpha 1 on GlassFish Tested on GlassFish v3 b73
<b>jVantage </b> jVantage is a Java EE based visual web application development tool and framework. Brent Clay wrote a document explaining how to run jVantage on GlassFish, which can be found <b>here </b>. Tested on Build 42.
<b>Spring </b> Jerome Dochez describes how to run Spring <b>here </b> on <nop>GlassFish Tested on Build 42.
<b>JPA and Spring 2.0 This <b>blog entry from Mark Fisher </b> shows how to use Spring 2.0 with the <nop>GlassFish's JPA implementation based on Toplink. Tested Build : V2_build_02
<b>Hibernate </b> Mitesh Meswani <b>describes how easy </b> it is to use Hibernate as Persistence Provider with <nop>Glassfish build 42 Tested on Build 42
<b>[ Kodo http:--commerce.bea.com-showproduct.jsp?family=KODO&major=4.0&minor=0]</b> Sahoo <b>explains how to </b> use Kodo as Persistence Provider with <nop>Glassfish. Another blog from him is <b>here </b> Tested on Build 48
<b>JPOX JDO Persistence </b> This <b>[ forum entry at the JPOX forum http:--www.jpox.org-servlet-forum-viewthread?thread=3424]</b> talks about using JPOX with GlassFish. There are still some unresolved issues so we will watch for a fully resolved configuration Tested with Build 48
<b>Wicket </b> Seymour Cakes <b>deployed </b> Wicket to <nop>GlassFish but cautions about the security warnings. The restrictive out-of-box security settings in GlassFish have now (Build 40 onwards) been disabled so this issue should not arise unless security manager is turned on. Tested build : not known
<img src="http://rifers.org/images/rife-logo.png" style="margin: 5px; border: 0px none; width: 70px; height: 29px" alt="RIFE Logo"/> Geert Bevin <b>tried out all the RIFE examples </b> and several customer projects. They all ran on GlassFish b42 without having to do anything special. Tested on Build 42.
<b>Tapestry </b>A slightly dated <b>blog entry </b> from Samuel Franklyn shows how easy it is to run Tapestry in GlassFish/Sun Java System Application Server. The security policy setting referred to in this blog will no longer be required as GlassFish defaults to disabled security manager from build 40 Tested probably on Build 21.
<b>Equinox </b> Vince Kraemer <b>describes </b> how to run Equinox on <nop>GlassFish. Tried on sources close to build 34.
<img src="https://appfuse.java.net/images/appfuse-title.gif" style="margin: 2px; border: 0px none; " alt="AppFuse Logo"/> Vince's <b>description </b> of running Equinox should work for <nop>AppFuse as well, according to <nop>AppFuse project Lead Matt Raible.<b>Updated info </b> Build tested: Same as above. Updated build tested: b40
<b>IBatis </b> Data Mapper Framework A <b>blog entry </b> from Samuel Franklyn outlines a workaround to successfully deploy this framework on <nop>GlassFish. Build Tested: Probably Build 30.
<b><img src="https://atleap.java.net/images/icon.gif" style="border: 0px none; width: 45px; height: 40px" alt="AtLeap"/> AtLeap </b> Hong Zhang's <b>blog </b> entry outlines how she deployed the AtLeap <nop>AppHosting Project on Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 - the predecessor to <nop>GlassFish. The deployment of this framework should be pretty much the same for <nop>GlassFish. Tested on Build 42.
<b>ADF Faces Ed Burns blogs about how to run <b>Oracle ADF Faces on GlassFish </b> Tested on build 42 with JSF build 19 dropped in.
<b>Seam </b> Check out <b>Java EE SDK Runs Seam </b> and <b>Seam On GlassFish With Java Persistence </b> by Roger Kitain who worked with JBoss Seam team to bring their EJB code up with latest EJB spec. Refer to <b>this JBoss Forum discussion </b>. Also, <b>Warren Stange's blog </b> covers the Seam Booking Demo on GlassFish. Tested on build 42 with JSF build 19 and later builds of GlassFish.
<b>jBPM </b> Cheng Fang has written a detailed blog on <b>[how to deploy jBPM on Sun Java System Application Server 8.2/GlassFish http://blogs.oracle.com/roller/page/chengfang?entry=how_to_

run_jbpm_on].</b>| Tested on build 43. Blog updated for GlassFish steps.

<b>WebDAV </b> Jeanfrancois Arcand shows in this blog <b>how to enable WebDAV support in GlassFish </b> Tested on build 42.
<b>BluePrints </b> The Java Blueprints team provides guidelines, patterns and reference code for J2EE applications. And a blog entry in The Aquarium talks about <b>Blueprints with Ajax components in GlassFish </b>  
<b>SiteMesh from OpenSymphony </b> Masoud Kalali <b>briefly explains </b> his successful deployment of <nop>OpenSymphony project <nop>SiteMesh on GlassFish Tested on build 42
<b>OSCache from OpenSymphony </b> Masoud Kalali, here again, <b>briefly explains </b> successful deployment of <nop>OpenSymphony project <nop>OSCache on GlassFish Tested on Build 42
<b>Facelets </b> Masoud Kalali's <b>blog briefly covers </b> deployment of Facelets to GlassFish Tested on Build 42
<b>OSWorkflow from OpenSymphony </b> Masoud Kalali's <b>blog </b> shows you can deploy <nop>OSWorkflow to GlassFish easily. It would be interesting to see the osworkflow sample with EJBs also deployed so that we can be sure OSWorkflow works without an issue on <nop>GlassFIsh Tested on Build 42
<b>Apache Struts - Shale Framwork </b> Not yet blogged about Tested on Build 42 wtih JSF 1.2 build 19
<b>Apache Struts </b> Check out the NetBeans 5.0 Quick Start Guide . Tested on Build 42 with JSF 1.2 build 19
<b>DWR AJAX FrameWork </b> Masoud Kalali, here again, <b>explains </b> successful deployment of <nop>DWR AJAX FrameWork <nop>DWR on GlassFish Tested on Build 42
<b>Apache Pluto </b> This <b>article </b> describes how you can deploy a portlet in <nop>GlassFish by using Pluto, the reference implementation of the Java Portlet Specification (JSR 168). Build tested : B44
<b>Open ESB </b> Open ESB 2.0 Beta is available now in Java Application Platform SDK Update 3 Beta . <b>It is also available to download here </b>. Build tested : GlassFish V2 FCS
<b>OpenCMS </b> Open CMS based apps have been successfully deployed on <nop>GlassFish/Sun Java System Application Server 9 FCS release build as per <nop>GlassFish user Edson Carlos Ericksson Richter's <b>Blog entry </b>. Build Tested : B48 SJSAS 9 FCS build
<b>OpenJPA </b> Sahoo reports in his blog <b>how to use <nop>OpenJPA </b> with <nop>GlassFish. Build Tested : <nop>GlassFish v2 or v1_ur1
<b>JackRabbit </b> <b>This blog entry </b> shows how to integrate JackRabbit, a JSR 170 based Java Content Repository API implementation, in the form of a shared Java EE resource on GlassFish. Build Tested: GlassFish V2 b??
*Grails * *This blog entry * mentions Grails and a test harness Groogle live application running on GlassFish Build Tested: GlassFish 1ur1p1
<img src="http://www.openlaszlo.org/themes/manji/images/ol_logo_small.gif" style="margin: 2px; border: 0px none; " alt="OpenLaszlo Logo"/> Harpreet has written a detailed writeup on GlassFishWiki OpenLaszlo page . He also has a simple app that can be used to try this out. He has also written about this on his blog It was tested on GlassFish v1 and Sun Java Application Server 9.0
Ext http://extjs.com/  
velocity http://velocity.apache.org/  

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