GlassFish 3.1 Next Cluster and Group Management Service elements
<cluster name="dev-cluster" config-ref="dev-cluster-config" gms-enabled="true" gms-multicast-address="" gms-multicast-port="2299" gms-bind-interface-address="${GMS-BIND-INTERFACE-ADDRESS-dev-cluster}"> <!-- GlassFish 3.1 mechanism for configuring GMS_LISTENER_PORT. Since need more config info for tcp protocol than just port, this generated property will no longer be generated in GlassFish 3.2. Upgrade should take this value and map to gms-transport child attribute listener-port. --> <property name="GMS_LISTENER_PORT" value="${GMS_LISTENER_PORT-dev-cluster}"/> <!-- a subset of GlassFish clustered instances with Well Known Addresses and port to assist other clustered instances to join this cluster. --> <!-- list can either be a list of IP addresses (where the scheme defaults to tcp and the port defaults to TCPSTARTPORT. Or the list can be an absolute uri qualified with a scheme and absolute "//" path. Port is still optional or can be provided to be same value as specified as system property GMS_LISTENER_PORT-dev-cluster. --> <property name="GMS_DISCOVERY_URI_LIST" value="tcp://ipAddr1:port,tcp://ipAddr2:port,..."/> <!-- LEFT FROM an earlier demo. Keeping to remember this implementation path just in case there is a reason to resurrect in future. --> <!-- -- <property name="GMS_GROUP_REGISTRY_URI_LIST" value="tcp://ipAddr1/discosvc:port,tcp://ipAddr2/discosvc:port,,.."/> --> </cluster> <config name="dev-cluster-config" dynamic-reconfiguration-enabled="true"/> ... <group-management-service group-discovery-timeout-in-millis="5000"> <failure-detection max-missed-heartbeats="3" heartbeat-frequency-in-millis="2000" verify-failure-waittime-in-millis="1500" verify-failure-connect-timeout-in-millis="10000"/> <!-- optional tcp security --> <gms-transport id="secured-tcp" protocol="tcp" listener-port=${GMS_LISTENER_PORT-dev-cluster" security-enabled="true"> <ssl classname="" cert-nickname="s1as"></ssl> </gms-transport> <!-- optional UDP unicast protocol configuration. --> <gms-transport id="unicast-udp" protocol="udp" listener-port=${GMS_UDP_LISTENER_PORT-dev-cluster"/> </group-management-service> </config> New to GlassFish 3.2 New cluster properties Format for GMS_DISCOVERY_URI_LIST is a comma separated list of URI. New cluster child Changes to GlassFish 3.1 cluster attributes gms-multicast-address and gms-multicast-port These attributes were required to be non-null in 3.1 and is now optional. TODO: |