GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 Milestone 2 (End date 06/21/10)

Demo Topics

  • SSH - create/delete node, create/delete instance, start/stop instance, start/stop cluster
  • Deployment - Deploy to cluster
  • JMS - Support for conventional clustering of MQ brokers in LOCAL or REMOTE broker mode
  • Grizzly WebSockets

Basic Clustering

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
04. MS2 (6/21) INFRA-005, INFRA-002A, INFRA-002C, INFRA-002B, INFRA-003A, INFRA-003B create/delete/list-cluster, create/delete/list-instance, start/stop-instance Yes Planned - will do QA/Docs handover with proper Dev Tests, Issues 12042 , 12043 , 12044 Completed
05. MS2 (6/21) INFRA-001 create-domain template support Yes Issue 12016 Completed
06. MS2 (6/21) INFRA-007 copy/delete/list-config Yes Issue 12017 Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
01. MS2 (6/21) CONFIG-001 Token support Yes Issue 12018 Completed
02. MS2 (6/21) CONFIG-002 Support for multi-config Yes Completed
03. MS2 (6/21) CONFIG-005 Support for port conflicts Yes Issue 11972 Completed
04. MS2 (6/21) CONFIG-004 Concurrent administration Yes Issue 12019 Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
01. MS2 (6/21) SYNC-001 Sync during startup Yes Completed
02. MS2 (6/21) SYNC-002 Clean up stale files Yes Completed
03. MS2 (6/21) SYNC-003 Graceful handing of DAS not available during startup Yes Completed
04. MS2 (6/21) SYNC-004 Handle symlinks Yes Issue 12025 Completed
06. MS2 (6/21) SYNC-006 Ability to trigger full sync Yes Completed

Dynamic Reconfiguration

Item # Date/Milestone Feature ID Description QA/Docs Handover Status Comments
05. MS2 DYREC-001 Provide infrastructure to apply configuration changes dynamically (--target option in CLI) across a cluster Yes Issue 12030 Completed QA will be able test proper command replication with all scenarios handled for createJDBCResource and createJDBCConnectionPool commands
06. MS2 DYREC-004 Clearly show status at the end of each operations. For all server instances where dynamic reconfiguration failed, please identify the server instances and suggest next steps to users to recover from this error (example, restart the server instances) yes Issue 12031 Completed  


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover Status / Comments
5. Milestone 2 (06/21) DPLY-001 Support the basic clustering deployment or provide workaround to allow other sub teams to start working on their clustering requirements No Completed
6. Milestone 2 (06/21) DPLY-007 Support versioning for the rest PE application commands (list-application etc) Yes Completed

App Client Container

Deliverables got pushed to MS3

Connectors, Pooling, Resources, JDBC

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
JCA-21 MS2 Hudson jobs for connector-dev-tests, connector-standalone-cts, jdbc-dev-tests     Completed
JCA-23 MS2 GlassFish-ize sun-resources.dtd to glassfish-resources.dtd     Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1 MS2 (6/21) -- Porting OWSM interop related Fixes to Metro 1.6 Yes DONE
2 MS2 (6/21) SEC-015 GlassFish OAM Integration Yes CODE COMPLETE, tested the Authenticator Mode with BASIC, FORM and CERTIFICATE authentication, Need to test Identity-Asserter Mode, which requires installing a Proxy-Server Front-Ending GlassFish and need to install Oracle AccessManager WebGate Plugin at the Proxy-Server and a ModJK connector to GlassFish  

SSH Provisioning

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1 MS2 SSHPRO-001,6-8 ssh client library and API No Completed 12006
2 MS2 SSHPRO-002 remote create/delete node: initial integration No Completed 12000
3 MS2 SSHPRO-003 remote create/delete instance: initial integration No Completed 12002
4 MS2 SSHPRO-004 remote start/stop instance: initial integration No Completed 12003
5 MS2 SSHPRO-005 remote start/stop cluster: initial integration No Completed 12124

Transaction Recovery

No deliverables planned for MS 2

RESTful Administration API

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
02. MS2 REST-002 JMS support Yes Completed


Investigation work

Administration Console

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
#2 MS2 (6/21) GUI-002 Modify tree to include clusters, nodes, standalone instances and multi config No Completed
#3 MS2 (6/21) GUI-002 Page Layout Change, modify or add additional pages for cluster support. This includes: Create cluster, all the tabs for cluster page, standalone instances page and tab, target support for applications and resources. No Completed

Logging & Diagnostics

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments / Dependencies
02. MS2 LOG-001 Message ids for all SEVERE, WARNING and INFO messages Yes required check-ins are done. Integration of build script with QL is pending - Checked in 6/24

DAS Recovery

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1. MS2 DAS-001 Support v2 style DAS backup and recovery Yes 12070
2. MS2 DAS-002 Backup to v2 location Yes 12070


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
#1 MS2 INST-001 Support creation/removal of services YES Completed
#2 MS2 INST-002 Setup required permissions to directories/files and protect exposed passwords. YES Open with multiple dependencies and is getting tracked at asarch level. Following up with security team and hopefully will get a better implementation technique soon. Will carry over to MS 3
#3 MS2 INST-003 Sign installer executables on windows with appropriate publisher YES Completed signing and version information on 06/08/10 with Sun Microsystems as publisher. The signer info will be later updated with Oracle certificate info once obtained.


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
3 Milestone 2 (6/21) PKG-001 Create IPS packages for HA features and other new features No Completed - only those IPS packages which actually have some existing content are being built and published, others are placeholders until their content becomes available. Also, QA/Docs handover for this feature will be delayed until all packages are usable and devtests in place -MS 4
4 Milestone 2 (6/21) PKG-003 HA packages pluggable No Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
3. M2 N/A Get tasks/dates from leads No Done


No deliverables planned for MS2

In-memory Session Replication: High Availability

Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments Issue # Milestone Eng Response
HA-2 Implement Replication Store in Project Shoal providing save(), remove() operations P1 Allows session data to be persisteed and removed from store 12224 Completed Milestone 2 YES
HA-5 Implement HA BackingStore SPI using shoal Replication store P1 Allows Containers to interact with the shoal Replication store using the SPI 12225 Completed Milestone 2 YES
HA-6 Implement a No-Op HA BackingStore SPI P1 Allows Metro to operate outside of GlassFish. Other containers may also use this approach when run in non-cluster mode. 12226 Completed Milestone 2 YES
HA-7 Retain v2.1 HA configuration elements and attributes in domain.xml P1 Allows QA test scripts to enable & disable HA 12227 Completed Milestone 2 YES

Shoal Group Management Service (GMS) for Runtime Clustering Services

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
02 5/28 GMS-02 Integrate Shoal GMS into GF v3.1 using dev. stop-gap clustering cmds   issue 12189 Completed
03 M2 GMS-03 Shoal GMS integration via domain.xml configuration Handoff: YES (in process) Docs: yes update gms config doc with review feedback issue 12190 Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1 Milestone 2 WEB-1 Web Container one pager Yes The one pager will be reviewed by asarch by milestone 2 - Completed


No deliverables planned for MS2

IIOP Clustering

No deliverables planned for MS2

JMS and Message Queue

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
02 M2 JMS-06 Support for conventional clustering of MQ brokers in LOCAL broker mode No CLI will not be ready in MS2. Handoff will happen in MS3
03 M2 JMS-07 Support for enhanced clustering of MQ brokers in LOCAL broker mode No CLI will not be ready in MS2. Handoff will happen in MS3
04 M2 JMS-08 Support for conventional clustering of MQ brokers in REMOTE broker mode No CLI will not be ready in MS2. Handoff will happen in MS3
05 M2 JMS-09 Support for enhanced clustering of MQ brokers in REMOTE broker mode No CLI will not be ready in MS2. Handoff will happen in MS3


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status /Comments
01. MS2 (6/21) Metro-007 Time skew for trust and SC token lifetime Yes Completed


No deliverables planned for MS2

Developer Tooling with NetBeans

Task Target Milestone Start End Owner Supports Feature ID Status/Comments
Create new instance object for WizardProvider (ee6plusClustering) m2 may 24 May 26 vbk nbinteg-001 adds GF 3.1 to the server registration dialog. Done dependency: promoted builds available (for download now support)
Create new instance object for InstanceProvider (ee6plusCluatsering) m2 may 26 may 28 vbk nbinteg-001 many features use this object Prevents registering 3.0 as 3.1 - Done
extend the 3.0 instance object to prevent 3.1 domains getting misregistered m2 may 28 may 28 vbk nbinteg-001 error checking - Done
Create new instance object for DeploymentFactory (ee6plusClustering) m2 may 31 june 2 vbk nbinteg-001 Java EE features use this object - Done
create new instance object for J2eePlatformFactory m2 june 3 june 4 vbk nbinteg-001 Java EE feature support - Done
create new instance object for OptionalDeploymentManagerFactory m2 june 7 june 9 vbk nbinteg-001 Java EE features support -Done
create new instance object for RunTimeDDCatalog m2 June 10 june 12 vbk nbinteg-002 maps public id and private id to installed dtds; basis of code completion in xml editor dependency: new glassfish-*.dtd files available in promoted builds - Done
create/publish nbms for NB 6.9 m2 post 6.9 clone post 6.9 release beta date vbk nbinteg-010 let folks using 6.9 'upgrade' to a plugin that exposes new 3.1 integration features. release schedule is adhoc. - Done
extend DD api project to know glassfish-* descriptors m2 june 14 june 17 vbk nbinteg-02 primarily to allow GUI to read/write the new glassfish-* descriptors dependency: new glassfish-*.dtd files available in promoted builds - Done
create 'new' templates to support File->New File->Other... (category: GlassFish; type: Glassfish Deployment Descriptor) m2 june 18 June 18 vbk nbinteg-002 put the 'right'descriptor into a new project that targets GlassFish 3.1 dependency: new glassfish-*.dtd files available in promoted builds - Done
include weblogic deployment descriptors into the RunTimeDDCatalog support m2 June 12 June 12 vbk nbinteg-008 To support xml editor features. dependency: the dtd and xsd files for the supported descriptor files need to be available in the 3.1 promoted build - Done

Eclipse WTP

One pager


Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
MS2 EMB-4 Complete Ant support   Needed for devtests - Completed
MS2 EMB-3 ScatteredArchive   Support Jar feature - Completed
MS2 EMB-2-5 embedded + JPA   Additional persistence support Per-002 - Completed
MS2 EMB-2-2 EJB Timer support   Part of additional EJB support EJB-5 - Completed

Dev Test Framework

Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1 MS2 DEVTEST-001 Phase-1 - Multiple GlassFish instances on a single host N/A In progress


No deliverables planned for MS2


No deliverables planned for MS2


Task Target Milestone Start End Date Owner(s) Feature ID Status / Comments
Integrate Felix 3.0.x M2     Richard OSGi-01-01 First major upgrade done, as we have upgraded Felix from 2.0.2 to 3.0.0. We will have to upgrade to next couple of maintenance releases of Felix before freezing Felix version in GF3.1
Provide an API to handle META-INF/services in OSGi context M2     Sahoo, Richard OSGi-04-06 On schedule - expect to make available this week.
JCA resource such as jdbc-resource, jms-resource (connection-factory & destination) as OSGi service M2     JCA Team OSGi-04-08 Completed
Make OBR runtime part of GlassFish M2     Richard OSGi-05-01 Completed - Integrated obr 1.6.2.


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
2 M2 (06/21) PER-002 Better alignment with Embedded Yes Finish support for default data source in embedded mode Issue 12245 Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1. MS 2 6/21 1 Modularization of Jersey distribution No not delivered, Jersey 1.3 containing the feature was not integrated into the GF due to an issue in the admin cli tests: otherwise works fine, being continually tested with http://sysifos-sol.czech/hudson/view/Jersey-00-all-Jersey-jobs/job/Jersey-test-GFv3-tests/

2. MS 2 6/21 2 Deployment of Jersey OSGi-war bundles No not delivered, Jersey 1.3 containing the feature was not integrated into the GF due to an issue in the admin cli tests: otherwise works fine, tested with http://sysifos-sol.czech/hudson/view/Jersey-00-all-Jersey-jobs/job/Jersey-test-WAB-deployment/

3. MS 2 6/21 3 Use the GlassFish 3 embedded API No NOT DELIVERED – blocked by

(can't use embedded glassfish maven plugin for testing); integrating embedded glassfish into jersey test framework failed - problem with rebundled Jersey ServiceFinder implementation


No deliverables planned for MS 2

Bean Validation

No deliverables planned for MS 2