GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 Milestone 3 (End date 07/19/10)
Add remaining Dev tests 12070 Installer
No deliverables planned for MS 3 BuildNo deliverables planned for MS 3 In-memory Session Replication: High Availability
No deliverables planned for MS 3 Embedded
No deliverables planned for MS 3 |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
07. | MS3 (7/19) | INFRA-009 | manual sync | Yes | Issue 12120 Partially completed (generate-sync-bundle), completion deferred to MS4 issue 12731 |
08. | MS3 (7/19) | INFRA-010 | offline-config | Yes | Issue 12121 Completed |
09. | MS3 (7/19) | INFRA-012 | Rename infrastructure related DTDs | Yes | Issue 12122 Completed |
10. | MS3 (7/19) | INFRA-014 | restart instance | Yes | Issue 12123 Completed |
11. | MS3 (7/19) |
INFRA-006 |
start/stop-cluster | Yes | Issue 12124 Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
05. | MS3 (7/19) |
CONFIG-006 |
Config validation | Yes | Issue 12020 Completed |
05a. | MS3 (7/19) |
CONFIG-001a |
Password dealiasing | Yes | Issue 11868 Deferred to MS4 |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
07. | MS3 (7/19) | SYNC-007 | Exclude user created files from cleanup | Yes | Issue 12026 Completed |
08. | MS3 (7/19) | SYNC-008 | Improved diagnostics | Yes | Issue 12027 Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover | Status/ Comments |
08. | MS3 |
DYREC-002 |
Show 'restart required' status for each server instance. If a server instance needs to be re-started, this status will reflect that | Yes | Issue 12034 Deferred to MS4 |
09. | MS3 |
DYREC-003 |
Support for dynamic-reconfiguration-enabled=false flag. This is needed for rolling upgrade | Yes | Issue 12035 Completed |
10. | MS3 | DYREC-008 | Provide detailed diagnostics to debug dynamic reconfiguration related failures in customer environment | No | Issue 12036 Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover | Status / Comments |
7. | Milestone 3 (07/19) |
DPLY-001 |
Clustering deployment support (advanced features and corner cases will be handled in later milestones) | Yes | Completed |
8. | Milestone 3 (07/19) |
DPLY-002 |
Support new application commands in clustering environment | Yes | Completed |
9. | Milestone 3 (07/19) |
DPLY-002 |
Support existing application commands in clustering environment | Yes | Completed |
10. | Milestone 3 (07/19) |
DPLY-006 |
Deployment infrastructure support for other modules | No | On going |
11. | Milestone 3 (07/19) | DPLY-007 | Other non-clustering related work. Support versioning for autodeploy/JSR88. And other changes related to directory deployment, JWS and OSGi. | Yes | Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover | Status / Comments |
1. | Milestone 3 (07/19) | RC-6 | User-provided JNLP merged with generated JNLP | yes | Update 7/19: Implementation complete; handoff tbd. |
2. | Milestone 3 (07/19) | RC-6 | Auto-testing for Java Web Start launches | QA only | Handoff will be to explain how the autotesting works so QA can decide if and how to adapt it to their needs. Update 7/19: Alex to schedule meeting during week of 7/26 with Lidia and me to discuss my proposed changes. |
3. | Milestone 3 (07/19) | RC-7 | Windows shortcut for Java Web Start clients | yes | Should be available as part of RC-6. Update 7/19: Done. (actually, part of #1) |
4. | Milestone 3 (07/19) | RC-2 | Exploration of indexing of JARs to optimize Java Web Start launches | no | The feature might not work in Java Web Start itself as we need it to. If it does it would help optimize Java Web Start launches. Update 7/19: Does not seem to have the desired effect. Hope to continue work on this for MS 4, time permitting. |
5. | Milestone 3 (07/19) | Convert sun-.xml DDs to glassfish-.xml | no | Update 7/19: complete |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
MS3 | JCA-4 |
Clustering support for all type of resources List include jdbc, connector, admin-object, external-jndi, mail, custom resources. For complete CLI list, refer to GlassFish 3.1 features wiki |
YES | Completed |
"target" support for list-***-resources (jdbc-resource, connector-resource, admin-object-resource, mail-resource, external-jndi-resource, custom-resource) | Completed | ||||
"target" support for list-resource-refs | Completed | ||||
"target" support for create-***-resource (jdbc-resource, connector-resource, admin-object-resource, mail-resource, external-jndi-resource, custom-resource) | Completed | ||||
"target" support for create-resource-ref | Completed | ||||
"target" support for add-resources | Completed | ||||
"target" support for delete-***-resource (jdbc-resource, connector-resource, admin-object-resource, mail-resource, external-jndi-resource, custom-resource) | Completed | ||||
"target" support for delete-resource-ref | Completed | ||||
MS3 | JCA-8 | Resizer for associate-with-thread Issue 11297 |
Completed | |
MS3 | JCA-15 | Statement cache hit/miss monitoring statistics | YES | Completed |
MS3 | JCA-16 | Custom validation templates for more JDBC driver vendors | Completed | |
MS3 | JCA-17 | Listing more JDBC driver vendors in admin GUI's connection pool configuration page | Completed | |
MS3 | JCA-24 |
Provide Connector Runtime AMX APIs as CLI commands |
Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
02. | MS3 (7/19) | SEC-006 | Extend Certificate realm to allow custom validation and group assignment based on the recieved client certificate in an SSL Mutual Authentcation. | Yes will do QA/Docs handover with proper Dev Tests | DONE |
03. | MS3 (7/19) | SEC-007 | Finalize the support for PAM Realm in V3.1. This will allow secure apps deployed on V3.1 to authenticate its users against the native Solaris/Linux users list. | Yes | DONE |
04. | MS3 (7/19) |
SEC-018 |
Policy-Translation for EJB's is happening during EJBDeployer.generateArtifacts() and needs to be changed to happen during Deployment.MODULE_LOADED event (on the lines of what happens for Web Modules). | Yes | DONE. A minor refinement in terms of removing some extra code from EjbDeployer.generateArtificats() is still pending |
05. | MS3 (7/19) |
SEC-001 |
Enhanced Security for Master password | Yes | NOT 100% COMPLETE. Grizzly dependency resolved last week, code for grizzly integration not checked in, investigating a few dev-test failures.Need Programmatic API support for JarSigner, this dependency may result in task not getting 100% complete |
06. | MS3 (7/19) | SEC-002 | Cleanup universal grants in server.policy | Yes | Downgraded to P3 post AS-Arch review, Move this to MS4 with scope of work reduced |
07. | MS3 (7/19) |
SEC-016 |
Security related CLI support for 3.1 | Yes | 90% Done. Code refinement needed for commands that update non-domain.xml configuration such as keyfiles. Use of UndoableCommand for change-master-password and change-admin-password under investigation (currently these commands work for the cluster but they implement AdminCommand), need some clarifications on it, will send mail to jerome today. |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
6 | MS3 |
SSHPRO-001, 6-8 |
dev tests for: ssh client library and API | Yes | |
7 | MS3 |
SSHPRO-002 |
dev tests for: remote create/delete node | Yes | Completed |
8 | MS3 |
SSHPRO-003 |
dev tests for: remote create/delete instance | Yes | Partial. Dev tests incomplete. Will continue work for MS4. |
9 | MS3 |
SSHPRO-004 |
dev tests for: remote start/stop instance | Yes | Partial. Dev tests incomplete. Will continue work for MS4. |
10 | MS3 |
SSHPRO-005 |
dev tests for: remote start/stop cluster | Yes | Partial. Dev tests incomplete. Will continue work for MS4. |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
1 | M3 |
TX-001 |
Manual delegated transaction recovery with shared file system | Yes | Finished implementation. Blocked by 12034 for testing of recover-transactions CLI |
2 | M3 |
TX-002 |
Support for --target option for existing CLIs | Yes | Moved to MS 4 - blocked by 12034 |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
04. | MS3 | REST-004 | Create session token mechanism | Yes | Issue 11932 Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
JMX002-1 : SSL Support |
Milestone 3 | JMX002 | Did not complete; waiting for Grizzly integration |
JMX003-1 : Reduction on no. of jars | Milestone 3 | JMX003 | Yes | Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
#4 | MS3 (7/19) |
GUI-002 |
Deployment feature complete | Yes | Completed |
#5 | MS3 (7/19) |
GUI-002 |
create nodes, clusters and instances | Yes | Completed |
#6 | MS3 (7/19) |
GUI-001 |
REST conversion 80% complete | Yes | Moved to MS 4 |
#13 | MS3 (7/19) | GUI-009 | Log Viewer integration with remote instance | Yes | Moved to MS 4 |
#22 | MS3 (7/19) |
GUI-017 |
convert Monitoring statistic page from AMX to REST | Yes | Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments / Dependencies |
03. | MS3 | LOG-002 | Diagnostic info updated by module owners to file | Yes | Create P2 bug for all module owners to update the same; to catch new regressions integrate maven plugin with build so that GlassFish developers get warning messages during build. Completed |
04. | MS3 |
LOG-003 |
Remote instance integration for Logging | Yes | Completed. Pending task is to avoid synchronization of file from glassfish/domains/domain1/config folder to cluster because of dependency on copy-config command. Once copy-config command is ready need to make this change. |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
5 | Milestone 3 |
PKG-004 |
Clustering and in-memory replication packages should be optional | No | Depends on clustering project support Partially done in MS3 - HA/clustering content is separated on package level and those packages are optional, but installation without those packages is not particularly usable due to open deployment issue |
6 | Milestone 3 |
PKG-005 |
Clustering and in-memory replication packages can be removed from the install image at any time | No | Depends on clustering project support. Not done since clustering support for the feature is not in place. Defer it to MS4 |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
04 | M3 |
GMS-04 |
Introduce GMS GroupHandle.getPreviousAliveOrReadyMembers() | No | Dev test is sufficient. Only useful for consistent hash calculation in HA. issue 12191 Completed |
05 | M3 |
GMS-05 |
Introduce GMS rejoin subevent in JOIN and JOINED_AND_READY notification | QA Handover YES, DOC: javadoc, Project shoal web pages | issue 12192 Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
3 | Milestone 3 - ongoing see task list for details |
WEB-3 |
Integration of HA container SPI | Yes | partial - Support for modified attribute is not completed |
4 | Milestone 3 - ongoing see task list |
WEB-4 |
Implement --target option for existing 3.0 commands | Yes | Feature parity - co-ordinate with clustering team; would like to have this in MS3 - Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status/Comments |
6 | Milestone 3 | EJB-8 | Option to disable GlassFish-specific JNDI names | YES | No dependencies outside module. Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status/Comments |
IIOP-12 | MS 3 | IIOP-12 | Timing and tracing improvements | No | Moved to MS 4 |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
06 | M3 |
JMS-13 |
Integration with IBM Websphere MQ through GenericJMSRA | Yes | Will spillover to MS 4 |
07 | M3 |
JMS-16 |
Enhancements to JMS related admin commands for cluster support | Yes | Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status /Comments |
MS3 (7/19) | Metro-005 | Unified configuration | Yes | Moved to MS 4 | |
MS3 (7/19) |
METRO-008 |
Servlet 3.0 Async support | Yes | Completed | |
MS3 (7/19) | METRO-009 | Test harness support for GlassFish v3.x | No | Completed | |
MS3(7/19) | 109-02 | complete modifying the tests to run in embedded | Yes | Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
2 | MS3 | LBREC-001 | Admin command to create load-balancer elements in domain xml | Yes | COMPLETED |
3 | MS3 | LBREC-002 | Admin command to generate load-balancer xml | Yes | COMPLETED |
4 | MS3 | LBREC-005 | Pushing load-balancer xml over the wire to web-server | Yes | COMPLETED |
Task | Target Milestone | Start | End | Owner | Supports Feature ID | Status/Comments |
Create a new WizardIterator to support File->New File->Other... (category: WebLogic; type: WebLogic Deployment Descriptor) likely based on org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.configbean.templates.SunDDWizardIterator | m3 | July | July | vbk | nbinteg-009 | allow user to create a WebLogic DD file in a project that targets GlassFish - Completed |
Create a new Panel to support File->New File->Other... (category: WebLogic; type: WebLogic Deployment Descriptor) likely based on org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.configbean.templates.SunDDWizardIterator | m3 | July | July | vbk | nbinteg-009 | allow user to create a WebLogic DD file in a project that targets GlassFish - Completed |
Create a new VisualPanel to support File->New File->Other... (category: WebLogic; type: WebLogic Deployment Descriptor) likely based on org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.configbean.templates.SunDDWizardIterator | m3 | July | July | vbk | nbinteg-009 | allow user to create a WebLogic DD file in a project that targets GlassFish - Completed |
extend Restart action to work with remote servers | m3 | july | july | vbk | nbinteg-004 | this will also probably get supported on 3.0.x domains, too - Completed |
new badge for app nodes to signify enabled or disabled | m3 | july | july | vbk | nbinteg-011 | Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
1.1 | MS3 | DEVTEST-001-Plugin Phase-1 | Multiple GlassFish instances on a Single Hudson node | Brown Bag Session |
Completed. Deployed on test Hudson setup. Reviewed by couple of beta users. |
1.2 | MS3 | DEVTEST-001-Plugin Phase-2 | Multiple GlassFish instances on multiple pre-configured Hudson nodes | No | Completed |
3 | MS3 | DEVTEST-002 | Portable and configurable for individual testing clusters | No | Completed |
4 | MS3 | DEVTEST-003 | Hudson integration to automate the dev test execution on a hudson cluster | No | Completed |
5 | MS3 | DEVTEST-004 | Simple installation from a single Jar file or zip | No | Completed |
6 | MS3 | DEVTEST-005 | Simple configuration | No | Completed |
7 | MS3 | DEVTEST-006 | Generates reports of test results in a standard format | No | Copy over and save the server logs for all the instances when the test execution is completed. Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
1 | 7/19 M3 | JSF-005 | Security issues | no | Some issues completed. |
2 | 7/19 M3 | JSF-001 | Performance porting | yes | Completed. Providing a hand off to ADF team to verify |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
4 | Milestone 3 | Grizzly-3 | Port unification | Yes | Completed |
5 | Milestone 3 | Grizzly-4 | CLI changes for new commands | Yes | Completed |
6 | Milestone 3 | Grizzly-5 | Logging error codes and diagnositc support | No | Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
01 | M3 |
OSGi-01 |
Upgrading core OSGi runtime | Yes | Completed |
02 | M3 | OSGi-02 | Embeddable GlassFish | No | Not completed - waiting for code review |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
3 | M3 (07/19) |
PER-001 |
Upgrade EclipseLink to version 2.1 | Yes | EclipseLink 2.1 expected to be available 06/24 Issue 12244 Completed |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
1. | MS 3 | 1 | Modularization of Jersey distribution | No | integrated to the GF main trunk with the Jersey promoted version 1.4-ea01 on 07/07 |
2. | MS 3 | 2 | Deployment of Jersey OSGi-war bundles | No | integrated to the GF main trunk with the Jersey promoted version 1.4-ea01 on 07/07 |
3. | MS 3 | 3 | Use the GlassFish 3 embedded API | No | NOT DELIVERED – blocked by (can't use embedded glassfish maven plugin for testing); integrating embedded glassfish into jersey test framework failed - problem with rebundled Jersey ServiceFinder implementation |
Item # | Date/Milestone | Feature-ID | Description | QA/Docs Handover? | Status / Comments |
IT01 | 07/19/10 (M3) | CDI-1 | First integration of Weld 1.1 | No | Dev tests passing, first run of TCK to assess failure. First integration of weld in GlassFish - Completed |