GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 Milestone 3 (End date 07/19/10)

Demo Topics

Basic Clustering

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
07. MS3 (7/19) INFRA-009 manual sync Yes Issue 12120 Partially completed (generate-sync-bundle),
completion deferred to MS4 issue 12731
08. MS3 (7/19) INFRA-010 offline-config Yes Issue 12121 Completed
09. MS3 (7/19) INFRA-012 Rename infrastructure related DTDs Yes Issue 12122 Completed
10. MS3 (7/19) INFRA-014 restart instance Yes Issue 12123 Completed
11. MS3 (7/19)


start/stop-cluster Yes Issue 12124 Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
05. MS3 (7/19)


Config validation Yes Issue 12020 Completed
05a. MS3 (7/19)


Password dealiasing Yes Issue 11868 Deferred to MS4


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
07. MS3 (7/19) SYNC-007 Exclude user created files from cleanup Yes Issue 12026 Completed
08. MS3 (7/19) SYNC-008 Improved diagnostics Yes Issue 12027 Completed

Dynamic Reconfiguration

Item # Date/Milestone Feature ID Description QA/Docs Handover Status/ Comments
08. MS3


Show 'restart required' status for each server instance. If a server instance needs to be re-started, this status will reflect that Yes Issue 12034
Deferred to MS4
09. MS3


Support for dynamic-reconfiguration-enabled=false flag. This is needed for rolling upgrade Yes Issue 12035 Completed
10. MS3 DYREC-008 Provide detailed diagnostics to debug dynamic reconfiguration related failures in customer environment No Issue 12036 Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover Status / Comments
7. Milestone 3 (07/19)


Clustering deployment support (advanced features and corner cases will be handled in later milestones) Yes Completed
8. Milestone 3 (07/19)


Support new application commands in clustering environment Yes Completed
9. Milestone 3 (07/19)


Support existing application commands in clustering environment Yes Completed
10. Milestone 3 (07/19)


Deployment infrastructure support for other modules No On going
11. Milestone 3 (07/19) DPLY-007 Other non-clustering related work. Support versioning for autodeploy/JSR88. And other changes related to directory deployment, JWS and OSGi. Yes Completed

App Client Container

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover Status / Comments
1. Milestone 3 (07/19) RC-6 User-provided JNLP merged with generated JNLP yes Update 7/19: Implementation complete; handoff tbd.
2. Milestone 3 (07/19) RC-6 Auto-testing for Java Web Start launches QA only Handoff will be to explain how the autotesting works so QA can decide if and how to adapt it to their needs. Update 7/19: Alex to schedule meeting during week of 7/26 with Lidia and me to discuss my proposed changes.
3. Milestone 3 (07/19) RC-7 Windows shortcut for Java Web Start clients yes Should be available as part of RC-6. Update 7/19: Done. (actually, part of #1)
4. Milestone 3 (07/19) RC-2 Exploration of indexing of JARs to optimize Java Web Start launches no The feature might not work in Java Web Start itself as we need it to. If it does it would help optimize Java Web Start launches. Update 7/19: Does not seem to have the desired effect. Hope to continue work on this for MS 4, time permitting.
5. Milestone 3 (07/19)   Convert sun-.xml DDs to glassfish-.xml no Update 7/19: complete

Connectors, Pooling, Resources, JDBC

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments

Clustering support for all type of resources

List include jdbc, connector, admin-object, external-jndi, mail, custom resources. For complete CLI list, refer to GlassFish 3.1 features wiki
YES Completed
      "target" support for list-***-resources (jdbc-resource, connector-resource, admin-object-resource, mail-resource, external-jndi-resource, custom-resource)   Completed
      "target" support for list-resource-refs   Completed
      "target" support for create-***-resource (jdbc-resource, connector-resource, admin-object-resource, mail-resource, external-jndi-resource, custom-resource)   Completed
      "target" support for create-resource-ref   Completed
      "target" support for add-resources   Completed
      "target" support for delete-***-resource (jdbc-resource, connector-resource, admin-object-resource, mail-resource, external-jndi-resource, custom-resource)   Completed
      "target" support for delete-resource-ref   Completed
MS3 JCA-8 Resizer for associate-with-thread
Issue 11297
MS3 JCA-15 Statement cache hit/miss monitoring statistics YES Completed
MS3 JCA-16 Custom validation templates for more JDBC driver vendors   Completed
MS3 JCA-17 Listing more JDBC driver vendors in admin GUI's connection pool configuration page   Completed
MS3 JCA-24

Provide Connector Runtime AMX APIs as CLI commands



Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
02. MS3 (7/19) SEC-006 Extend Certificate realm to allow custom validation and group assignment based on the recieved client certificate in an SSL Mutual Authentcation. Yes will do QA/Docs handover with proper Dev Tests DONE
03. MS3 (7/19) SEC-007 Finalize the support for PAM Realm in V3.1. This will allow secure apps deployed on V3.1 to authenticate its users against the native Solaris/Linux users list. Yes DONE
04. MS3 (7/19)


Policy-Translation for EJB's is happening during EJBDeployer.generateArtifacts() and needs to be changed to happen during Deployment.MODULE_LOADED event (on the lines of what happens for Web Modules). Yes DONE. A minor refinement in terms of removing some extra code from EjbDeployer.generateArtificats() is still pending
05. MS3 (7/19)


Enhanced Security for Master password Yes NOT 100% COMPLETE. Grizzly dependency resolved last week, code for grizzly integration not checked in, investigating a few dev-test failures.Need Programmatic API support for JarSigner, this dependency may result in task not getting 100% complete
06. MS3 (7/19) SEC-002 Cleanup universal grants in server.policy Yes Downgraded to P3 post AS-Arch review, Move this to MS4 with scope of work reduced
07. MS3 (7/19)


Security related CLI support for 3.1 Yes 90% Done. Code refinement needed for commands that update non-domain.xml configuration such as keyfiles. Use of UndoableCommand for change-master-password and change-admin-password under investigation (currently these commands work for the cluster but they implement AdminCommand), need some clarifications on it, will send mail to jerome today.

SSH Provisioning

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
6 MS3

SSHPRO-001, 6-8

dev tests for: ssh client library and API Yes  
7 MS3


dev tests for: remote create/delete node Yes Completed
8 MS3


dev tests for: remote create/delete instance Yes Partial. Dev tests incomplete. Will continue work for MS4.
9 MS3


dev tests for: remote start/stop instance Yes Partial. Dev tests incomplete. Will continue work for MS4.
10 MS3


dev tests for: remote start/stop cluster Yes Partial. Dev tests incomplete. Will continue work for MS4.

Transaction Recovery

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1 M3


Manual delegated transaction recovery with shared file system Yes Finished implementation. Blocked by 12034 for testing of recover-transactions CLI
2 M3


Support for --target option for existing CLIs Yes Moved to MS 4 - blocked by 12034

RESTful Administration API

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
04. MS3 REST-004 Create session token mechanism Yes Issue 11932 Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
JMX002-1 : SSL Support
Milestone 3 JMX002     Did not complete; waiting for Grizzly integration
JMX003-1 : Reduction on no. of jars Milestone 3 JMX003   Yes Completed

Administration Console

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
#4 MS3 (7/19)


Deployment feature complete Yes Completed
#5 MS3 (7/19)


create nodes, clusters and instances Yes Completed
#6 MS3 (7/19)


REST conversion 80% complete Yes Moved to MS 4
#13 MS3 (7/19) GUI-009 Log Viewer integration with remote instance Yes Moved to MS 4
#22 MS3 (7/19)


convert Monitoring statistic page from AMX to REST Yes Completed

Logging & Diagnostics

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments / Dependencies
03. MS3 LOG-002 Diagnostic info updated by module owners to file Yes Create P2 bug for all module owners to update the same; to catch new regressions integrate maven plugin with build so that GlassFish developers get warning messages during build.
04. MS3


Remote instance integration for Logging Yes Completed. Pending task is to avoid synchronization of file from glassfish/domains/domain1/config folder to cluster because of dependency on copy-config command. Once copy-config command is ready need to make this change.

DAS Recovery

Add remaining Dev tests 12070


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
#2 MS3 INST-002 Setup required permissions to directories/files and protect exposed passwords. YES Open with multiple dependencies and is getting tracked at asarch level. Following up with security team and hopefully will get a better implementation technique soon. Will carry over to MS 3
#4 MS3 INST-004 Make domain creation optional to support remote nodes YES Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
5 Milestone 3


Clustering and in-memory replication packages should be optional No Depends on clustering project support
Partially done in MS3 - HA/clustering content is separated on package level and those packages are optional, but installation without those packages is not particularly usable due to open deployment issue
6 Milestone 3


Clustering and in-memory replication packages can be removed from the install image at any time No Depends on clustering project support.
Not done since clustering support for the feature is not in place. Defer it to MS4


No deliverables planned for MS 3


No deliverables planned for MS 3

In-memory Session Replication: High Availability

Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments Issue # Milestone Status

Implement load() operation to retrieve state from shoal replication store

P1 Allows session data to be retrieved from ReplicationStore 12228 Milestone 3 Completed
HA-8 Improved logging for tracking replication messages P2 Provide better logging to track replication commands 12229 Milestone 3 moved to MS 4

Implement BatchBackingStore for EJB Container

P1 Feature parity 12230 Milestone 3 Completed

Implement Local caching of state for passivated EJB

P1 Feature parity. Also, ensures that passivated EJB's state is available when a replica instance crashes 12231 Milestone 3 Completed

Shoal Group Management Service (GMS) for Runtime Clustering Services

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
04 M3


Introduce GMS GroupHandle.getPreviousAliveOrReadyMembers() No Dev test is sufficient. Only useful for consistent hash calculation in HA. issue 12191 Completed
05 M3


Introduce GMS rejoin subevent in JOIN and JOINED_AND_READY notification QA Handover YES, DOC: javadoc, Project shoal web pages issue 12192 Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
3 Milestone 3 - ongoing see task list for details


Integration of HA container SPI Yes partial - Support for modified attribute is not completed
4 Milestone 3 - ongoing see task list


Implement --target option for existing 3.0 commands Yes Feature parity - co-ordinate with clustering team; would like to have this in MS3 - Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status/Comments
6 Milestone 3 EJB-8 Option to disable GlassFish-specific JNDI names YES No dependencies outside module.

IIOP Clustering

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status/Comments
IIOP-12 MS 3 IIOP-12 Timing and tracing improvements No Moved to MS 4

JMS and Message Queue

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
06 M3


Integration with IBM Websphere MQ through GenericJMSRA Yes Will spillover to MS 4
07 M3


Enhancements to JMS related admin commands for cluster support Yes Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status /Comments
  MS3 (7/19) Metro-005 Unified configuration Yes Moved to MS 4
  MS3 (7/19)


Servlet 3.0 Async support Yes Completed
  MS3 (7/19) METRO-009 Test harness support for GlassFish v3.x No Completed
  MS3(7/19) 109-02 complete modifying the tests to run in embedded Yes Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
2 MS3 LBREC-001 Admin command to create load-balancer elements in domain xml Yes COMPLETED
3 MS3 LBREC-002 Admin command to generate load-balancer xml Yes COMPLETED
4 MS3 LBREC-005 Pushing load-balancer xml over the wire to web-server Yes COMPLETED

Developer Tooling with NetBeans

Task Target Milestone Start End Owner Supports Feature ID Status/Comments
Create a new WizardIterator to support File->New File->Other... (category: WebLogic; type: WebLogic Deployment Descriptor) likely based on org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.configbean.templates.SunDDWizardIterator m3 July July vbk nbinteg-009 allow user to create a WebLogic DD file in a project that targets GlassFish - Completed
Create a new Panel to support File->New File->Other... (category: WebLogic; type: WebLogic Deployment Descriptor) likely based on org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.configbean.templates.SunDDWizardIterator m3 July July vbk nbinteg-009 allow user to create a WebLogic DD file in a project that targets GlassFish - Completed
Create a new VisualPanel to support File->New File->Other... (category: WebLogic; type: WebLogic Deployment Descriptor) likely based on org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.sun.share.configbean.templates.SunDDWizardIterator m3 July July vbk nbinteg-009 allow user to create a WebLogic DD file in a project that targets GlassFish - Completed
extend Restart action to work with remote servers m3 july july vbk nbinteg-004 this will also probably get supported on 3.0.x domains, too - Completed
new badge for app nodes to signify enabled or disabled m3 july july vbk nbinteg-011 Completed

Eclipse WTP

No deliverables planned for MS 3


Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
MS3 EMB-3 ScatteredArchive   Implement feature

Dev Test Framework

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1.1 MS3 DEVTEST-001-Plugin Phase-1 Multiple GlassFish instances on a Single Hudson node Brown Bag Session
Completed. Deployed on test Hudson setup. Reviewed by couple of beta users.
1.2 MS3 DEVTEST-001-Plugin Phase-2 Multiple GlassFish instances on multiple pre-configured Hudson nodes No Completed
3 MS3 DEVTEST-002 Portable and configurable for individual testing clusters No Completed
4 MS3 DEVTEST-003 Hudson integration to automate the dev test execution on a hudson cluster No Completed
5 MS3 DEVTEST-004 Simple installation from a single Jar file or zip No Completed
6 MS3 DEVTEST-005 Simple configuration No Completed
7 MS3 DEVTEST-006 Generates reports of test results in a standard format No Copy over and save the server logs for all the instances when the test execution is completed.


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1 7/19 M3 JSF-005 Security issues no Some issues completed.
2 7/19 M3 JSF-001 Performance porting yes Completed. Providing a hand off to ADF team to verify


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
4 Milestone 3 Grizzly-3 Port unification Yes Completed
5 Milestone 3 Grizzly-4 CLI changes for new commands Yes Completed
6 Milestone 3 Grizzly-5 Logging error codes and diagnositc support No Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
01 M3


Upgrading core OSGi runtime Yes Completed
02 M3 OSGi-02 Embeddable GlassFish No Not completed - waiting for code review


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
3 M3 (07/19)


Upgrade EclipseLink to version 2.1 Yes EclipseLink 2.1 expected to be available 06/24 Issue 12244 Completed


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
1. MS 3 1 Modularization of Jersey distribution No integrated to the GF main trunk with the Jersey promoted version 1.4-ea01 on 07/07
2. MS 3 2 Deployment of Jersey OSGi-war bundles No integrated to the GF main trunk with the Jersey promoted version 1.4-ea01 on 07/07
3. MS 3 3 Use the GlassFish 3 embedded API No NOT DELIVERED – blocked by (can't use embedded glassfish maven plugin for testing); integrating embedded glassfish into jersey test framework failed - problem with rebundled Jersey ServiceFinder implementation


Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover? Status / Comments
IT01 07/19/10 (M3) CDI-1 First integration of Weld 1.1 No Dev tests passing, first run of TCK to assess failure. First integration of weld in GlassFish - Completed

Bean Validation

No deliverables planned for MS 3