The following subcommands appear to be good candidates to annotate with the LockType.NONE thus allowing them to execute when another command (e.g. synchronization) holds the EXCLUSIVE lock. These commands should not update any files within the domain during their execution:
- generate-jvm-report
- get
- get-client-stubs
- get-health
- jms-ping
- list* (all list based subcommands)
- ping-connection-pool
- ping-node-ssh
- show-component-status
- uptime
- version
Other subcommands The stop-domain subcommand is allowed to be run on a suspended domain. We could also allow stop-cluster and/or stop-instance to be executed but this is not a strong use case for it now. The following hidden commands will be unrestricted:
- get*
- list*
- __anonymous-user-enabled
- __locations
- __supports-user-management
- _is-sniffer-user-visible