GlassFish Day, May 2007 SF (part of CommunityOne) "GlassFish v3, Identity Services with OpenDS and OpenSSO, and Cool stuff" Session Speaker: Jerome Dochez, GlassFish Architect Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. GlassFish v3 has modularity as its main goal and should provide a great Web 2.0 modular foundation for Java, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP and more. GlassFish v3's module architecture, startup time, simplified administration and flexibility will be demoed and discussed by GlassFish architect Jerome Dochez and other experts. Speaker: Ludovic Poitou, OpenDS Cannot resolve external resource into attachment. Identity Services in the GlassFish project are provided by OpenSSO (access and federation services) and OpenDS (100% Java LDAP server). In this part of the session we'll specifically show OpenSSO for OpenID-based authentication to a blog feed that uses Atom for syndication and OpenDS as a data store running on Glassfish. We believe you'll find this unconventional use of OpenDS for blog content leveraging the ATOM standard for syndication to be an innovative web 2.0 use case and to be quite different from a lot of the Flickr and Google maps demos that you run in to at shows.