Milestone 1

  • List of all features in GF v2 Milestone 1
  • GF v2 M1 exposes EE features (clustering, distributed administration, etc)
    • This list includes only the incremental EE features that are not in 8.2 EE

See Release Highlights for a user-friendly overview of the release.

ACTION: Please add to this list.

*Area* *Deliverables* *Owner* *Status*
Overall All Functional specs and one pagers written. Seek Community Feedback Dhiru
Security Integrate message level security with jaxws-rearch; JDBC realm; Realm assign-groups Shing Wai Chan Done. See blogs: JDBCRealm , assign-groups .
Web container SSL over NIO Jeanfrancois The feature is ready and heavily tested, but not yet enabled. Will be after M1
Web container Make it possible for Jasper to leverage JDT compiler from Eclipse Jan Done. See blog and blog@TA
Web container Add support for JSR199 from Mustang to speed up JSP compilations Kin-Man Done. See blog@TA
Deployment Deployment support for package/deploy JavaEE service units as part of composite application Hong Zhang delayed (dependency on admin changes which won't be available for M1)
Synchronization Performance improvements (~40%) in synchronization. Refer to RFE 6438864 for more details. Nazrul,Satish Viswanatham Done
Web Services Integration of jaxws-rearch and corresponding jaxb into app server; Changes to 109 implementation to work with this new, highly performant jaxws-rearch. Vijay Ramachandran Implementation almost done; bug fixing under progress; 100% CTS pass may not happen before M1; Between M1 and M2, "old jaxws" and "jaxws-rearch" will be available and developer can switch between the two with a switch in domain.xml
Admin GUI EE: - Load Balancer support during Cluster creation; - Load Balancer creation and configuration; - Add new attribute 'Weight' for standalone and clustered instance; - Generate Diagnostic Report includes cluster,instance,node agent option; JSF version of Admin GUI: - Mash head (top frame) - PE tree basic layout; - right frame tab navigation; - Complete conversion of Application Server node; Anissa EE features listed : DONE JSF version is in progress.
Transactions Forward porting of 8.2 bug fixes Sankara Rao Bhogi On going
Self Management Templates for Self Management Rules Sankara Rao Bhogi On going
ORB grizzlyV2 Harsha Godugu Ongoing
HTTP Load Balancer Core Enhancement - Support for weighted round robin load balancing - User Defined load balancing policy Administration Enhancement - Push of LB configuration from DAS to LB - LB monitoring data using CLI and GUI Pankaj Jairath, Satish Viswanatham Completed