<!-- Configuration for @DataSourceDefinition annotation or its descriptor equivalent. Children id unique id used to distinguish the resource across multiple components, modules in the application component-name component that defines the data-source module-name module that defines the data-source application-name application that defines the data-source description description of this datasource-definition name The name element specifies the JNDI name of the data source being defined. class-name DataSource, XADataSource or ConnectionPoolDataSource implementation class. server-name Database server name. port-number Port number where a server is listening for requests. database-name Name of a database on a server. url A JDBC URL. If the <code>url</code> property is specified along with other standard <code>DataSource</code> properties such as <code>serverName</code>, <code>databaseName</code> and <code>portNumber</code>, the more specific properties will take precedence and <code>url</code> will be ignored. user User name to use for connection authentication. password Password to use for connection authentication. login-timeout Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database. transactional Set to false if connections should not participate in transactions. isolation-level Isolation level for connections. initial-pool-size Number of connections that should be created when a connection pool is initialized. max-pool-size Maximum number of connections that should be concurrently allocated for a connection pool. min-pool-size Minimum number of connections that should be concurrently allocated for a connection pool. max-idle-time The number of seconds that a physical connection should remain unused in the pool before the connection is closed for a connection pool. max-statements The total number of statements that a connection pool should keep open. --> <!ELEMENT datasource-definition (property*) > <!ATTLIST datasource-definition id CDATA #IMPLIED component-name CDATA #IMPLIED module-name CDATA #IMPLIED application-name CDATA #IMPLIED class-name CDATA #REQUIRED name CDATA #REQUIRED description CDATA #IMPLIED port-number CDATA "-1" database-name CDATA #IMPLIED server-name CDATA "localhost" url CDATA #IMPLIED user CDATA #IMPLIED password CDATA #IMPLIED login-timeout CDATA "0" transactional %boolean; "true" isolation-level CDATA "-1" initial-pool-size CDATA "-1" max-pool-size CDATA "-1" min-pool-size CDATA "-1" max-idle-time CDATA "-1" max-statements CDATA "-1"> Used in: application-scoped-resources |