*Date* *Version* *Author* *Remarks*
Nov-3-2009 3   Added Ping attribute to the DTD.
May-27-2009 2   Modified based on comments from Bill Shannon.
Dec-26-2008 1 Jagadish Ramu, Shalini Muthukrishnan Created.
<!-- connector-connection-pool
    connector-connection-pool defines configuration used to create
    and manage a pool of connections to a EIS. Pool definition is
    named, and can be referred to by multiple connector-resource
    elements (See connector-resource).

    Each named pool definition results in a pool instantiated at server
    start-up. Pool is populated when accessed for the first time. If two or
    more connector-resource elements point to the same
    connector-connection-pool element, they are using the same pool of
    connections, at run time.

    There can be more than one pool for one connection-definition in one

        Properties are used to override the ManagedConnectionFactory
        javabean configuration settings.

        When one or more of these properties are specified, they are passed as
        is using set<Name>(<Value>) methods to the Resource Adapter's
        ManagedConnectionfactory class (specified in ra.xml).

|       Associate connection(s) with a thread such that when the
        same thread is in need of a connection, it can reuse the
        connection already associated with that thread, thereby not
        incurring the overhead of getting a connection from the pool.
        Default value is false.
|   associate-with-thread-connections-count
|      Maximum number of connections to associate with a thread. Default
|      value is 1. Takes effect only when associate-with-thread is true.
        The number of attempts to create a new connection. Default is
        0, which implies no retries.
        The time interval between retries while attempting to create
        a connection. Default is 10 seconds. Effective when
        connection-creation-retry-attempts is greater than 0.
        unique name, identifying one connection-definition in a
        Resource Adapter. Currently this is ConnectionFactory type.
        If enabled, connection will be reusable (put back into pool)
        after connection-leak-timeout-in-seconds occurs. Default
        value is false.
        To aid user in detecting potential connection leaks by the
        application. When a connection is not returned back to the
        pool by the application within the specified period, it is
        assumed to be a potential leak and stack trace of the caller
        will be logged. Default is 0, which implies there is no leak
        detection, by default. A positive non-zero value turns on
        leak detection. Note however that, this attribute only
        detects if there is a connection leak. The connection can be
        reclaimed only if connection-leak-reclaim is set to true.
        indicates if all connections in the pool must be closed
        should a single connection fail validation. The default is
        false. One attempt will be made to re-establish failed
        maximum time in seconds, that a connection can remain idle in
        the pool. After this time, the pool implementation can close
        this connection. Note that this does not control connection
        timeouts enforced at the database server side. Adminsitrators
        are advised to keep this timeout shorter than the EIS
        connection timeout (if such timeouts are configured on the
        specific EIS), to prevent accumulation of unusable connection
        in Application Server.
        This attribute specifies if the connection that is about to
        be returned is to be validated by the container,
        Connections are lazily associated when an operation is
        performed on them. Also, they are disassociated when the
        transaction is completed and a component method ends, which
        helps reuse of the physical connections. Default value is
        Enlist a resource to the transaction only when it is actually
        used in a method, which avoids enlistment of connections that
        are not used in a transaction. This also prevents unnecessary
        enlistment of connections cached in the calling components.
        Default value is false.
        To switch on/off connection matching for the pool. It can be
        set to false if the administrator knows that the connections
        in the pool will always be homogeneous and hence a connection
        picked from the pool need not be matched by the resource
        adapter. Default value is true.
        When specified, connections will be re-used by the pool for
        the specified number of times after which it will be closed.
        This is useful for instance, to avoid statement-leaks.
        Default value is 0, which implies the feature is not enabled.
        maximum number of conections that can be created
        amount of time the caller will wait before getting a
        connection timeout. The default is 60 seconds. A value of 0
        will force caller to wait indefinitely.
        unique name of the pool definition.
|   ping
|       A pool with this attribute set to true is pinged during the pool
|       creation or reconfiguration to identify and warn of any erroneous
|       values for the its attributes. Default value of this attribute 
|       is false.
        number of connections to be removed when
        idle-timeout-in-seconds timer expires. Connections that have
        idled for longer than the timeout are candidates for removal.
        When the pool size reaches steady-pool-size, the connection
        removal stops.
|   pooling
|      When set to false, this attribute disables connection pooling.
|      Default value of this attribute is true.
        This is the name of resource adapter. Name of .rar file is
        taken as the unique name for the resource adapter.
        minimum and initial number of connections maintained in the
        Indicates the level of transaction support that this pool
        will have. Possible values are "XATransaction",
        "LocalTransaction" and "NoTransaction". This attribute will
        override that transaction support attribute in the Resource
        Adapter in a downward compatible way, i.e it can support a
        lower/equal transaction level than specified in the RA, but
        not a higher level.
        Used to set the time-interval within which a connection is
        validated atmost once. Default is 0 which implies that it is
        not enabled. TBD: Documentation is to be corrected.

  Used in:
<!ELEMENT connector-connection-pool (description?, security-map*, property*)>

<!ATTLIST connector-connection-pool
    resource-adapter-name CDATA #REQUIRED
    connection-definition-name CDATA #REQUIRED
    steady-pool-size CDATA "8"
    max-pool-size CDATA "32"
    max-wait-time-in-millis CDATA "60000"
    pool-resize-quantity CDATA "2"
    idle-timeout-in-seconds CDATA "300"
    fail-all-connections %boolean; "false"
    transaction-support (XATransaction | LocalTransaction | NoTransaction) #IMPLIED
    is-connection-validation-required %boolean; "false"
    validate-atmost-once-period-in-seconds CDATA "0"
    connection-leak-timeout-in-seconds CDATA "0"
    connection-leak-reclaim %boolean; "false"
    connection-creation-retry-attempts CDATA "0"
    connection-creation-retry-interval-in-seconds CDATA "10"
    lazy-connection-enlistment %boolean; "false"
    lazy-connection-association %boolean; "false"
    associate-with-thread %boolean; "false"
|   associate-with-thread-connections-count CDATA "1"
    match-connections %boolean; "true"
    max-connection-usage-count CDATA "0"
|   ping %boolean; "false"
|   pooling %boolean; "true">