*Date* *Version* *Author* *Remarks*
09-Sep-2009 2 Jagadish Ramu Modified such that work-security-map is within resources element.
26-Dec-2008 1 Jagadish Ramu Created.
<!ELEMENT resources
     ((custom-resource | external-jndi-resource | jdbc-resource | mail-resource 
-    connector-connection-pool)*)>                                              
+    | connector-connection-pool | work-security-map)*)>  

+<!-- work-security-map
+  Perform mapping from Principal associated with an incoming Work
+  instance to a Principal in the application server's security domain. The 
+  security-map element, on the other hand, performs mapping from
+  Principals in the application server security domain to a Principal
+  accepted by the EIS. It is possible to map multiple EIS Group and/or
+  User Principals to the same application server (server) Principal.
+ Used in:
+   resources
+<!ELEMENT work-security-map (description?, (principal-map*, group-map*)+) >
+<!ATTLIST work-security-map 
+resource-adapter-name CDATA #REQUIRED
+object-type %object-type; "user"
+enabled %boolean; "true">
+<!-- principal-map
+  Performs mapping from a Principal in the EIS security domain to
+  a Principal accepted by the application server security domain
+  attributes 
+    eis-principal 
+        A Principal in the EIS security domain that is being mapped to 
+        a Principal in the application server's security domain.
+    mapped-principal
+        A Principal that is valid in the application server's security domain
+  Used in:
+    work-security-map
+<!ELEMENT principal-map EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST principal-map
+eis-principal CDATA #REQUIRED
+mapped-principal CDATA #REQUIRED>
+<!-- group-map
+  Group map to map eis-group name to application server domain's group name
+  attributes 
+    eis-group 
+        A Group in the EIS security domain that is being mapped to 
+        a Group in the application server's security domain
+    mapped-group
+        A Group that is valid in the application server's security domain
+  Used in:
+    work-security-map
+<!ELEMENT group-map EMPTY >
+<!ATTLIST group-map
+eis-group CDATA #REQUIRED
+mapped-group CDATA #REQUIRED>