Please list the features that will not make it by Nov 14, 2006. For those features, list the pending tasks and expected completion dates.

Functionality Owner Features that cannot make it by Nov 14 Expected Date Details
Profiles km105526 (Kedar) It is actually an all or nothing kind of thing. I have done the background work, but to do a clean transition from PE/EE logic into the profiles takes more time than I initially thought. Part of the problem is to ensure the GlassFish distributions, PE/EE installers work fine and it is a bit tricky to get it right. I accept that I knew this to begin with, but it is better to accept it and give a heads up. Sorry. Nov 20 2006 *KEDAR*: This is now checked in. SJSAS PE/EE installers will have support for cluster/developer/enterprise profiles: DATE: Nov 20, 2006
Admin GUI anilam (Anissa) Predeployment of new version of Admin GUI thats based on JSF will be delayed. GUI depends on Woodstock build 4 release which is delayed to 11/13. We will need couple days to test and verify. Nov 21 2006  
Installer snjezana (Snjezana) Full installer profiles support. See Kedar's Profiles entry above; installer work will be done in parallel with backend work, so listing same expected delivery date. Nov 20 2006 *KEDAR*: Plan of Record is that we are not changing any installer screens whatsoever for profiles. The minimal changes required in installers have been done.
Installer snjezana (Snjezana) Installer product upgrade support. It is dependent on upgrade tool being feature complete and upgrade tool estimate has not been provided at this time. 1 week after upgrade tool feature complete date  
Update Center snjezana (Snjezana) Update Center integration into Glassfish V2 will happen as part of Update Center milestone 3. Detailed Update Center schedule available here . Dec 06 2006  
In-Memory Replication lwhite (Larry) Integrate Jxta startup through GMS. Modified-attribute support in web container. Also finish version control for EJB and Web Container. Dec 06 2006  
Admin CLI janey (Jane) Search for the closest matched command and additional concept manpages. Nov 20, 2006  
ORB read optimization Ken Cavanaugh (kcavanaugh), Charlie Hunt (huntch) Reduction in read system calls in the ORB's current transport infrastructure. This would reduce the number of context switches for threads and improve performance Dec 8, 2006  
Upgrade Tool ps125818 ( Prasad Subramanian) There are some domain.xml changes that require a change in the Upgrade Tool functionality. While not necessarily a new feature, this has impact on the availability of the Tool for use for upgrading from AS 8.x EE to AS 9.1 EE Nov 27 2006  
Upgrade Tool ps125818 ( Prasad Subramanian) The profile support might bring in some changes to Upgrade Tool. Once the profile support is done we get an idea if the Upgrade Tool is impacted or not one week after Profiles support is delivered KEDAR: Sorry, this is not true. I don't think I am making ANY changes in profiles that impacts upgrade tool in any way. Please don't put such dependency silently. And moreover, let me know if you have such a dependency, so that I know who depend on my deliverables.