Milestone 3 Features

This wiki page contains the list of features on GlassFish v3 milestone build (Jerome: Need a pointer to the build). This page intentionally excludes internal features and focuses on features that are visible to user. For example, security module was integrated into v3 during this milestone but it is hard for an external user to see that and therefore it is not on this list.


Area Feature Eng Contact Test Status
Deployment Web Module deploy and undeploy using asadmin (only support --upload and --name options) Hong Zhang
  Autodeployment of archive Tim Quinn
Infrastrcuture start and stop domain commands Kedar Mhaswade
Runtime Management create/delete/list JDBC connection pool and resource Sreenivas Munnangi

Web Tier

Area Feature Eng Contact Test Status
Grizzly port unification, comet/cometd/jersey support, TCP/UDP/TLS extension (still supporting Adapter (which are for HTTP)). Jetty will run inside v3 easily. Jean-Francois Arcand  
Web Container Servlet and JSP applications (no JSF, no JSP tag library) Shing-wai Chan