Back to AdminConsole V3 Information in this page applies only to GlassFish V3 TP2 release Launching Admin Console In the Application Server v3 Technology Preview 2 release, the Admin Console is not installed by default, but is instead installed when you invoke it for the first time after installing Application Server. The URL to launch the console is *http://localhost:8080/admin* If this is the first time since installation, you will be prompted to download and install it. Logging into Admin Console Starting from 4/22, admin user no longer exists. The default user now is anonymous without password. Bug in promoted b10a There is a bug in promoted build when trying to refresh the status page during the download of Admin Console. You will see that the URL in the browser changed to http://localhost8080/status.html and get a 404 Error. To workaround the problem, change the URL to how you start it, eg http://localhost:8080/admin and press return. Repeat this till you see the login page. Building Admin Console Admin console is not part of the main build. Here is the steps to build and deploy your own admin console. (checkout from tp2-branch): svn checkout
- cd v3; mvn install; cd ..
- unzip v3/distribution/web/target/
- cd v3/admingui; mvn clean install; cd ../..
- (optional) Your has the console-plugin jars from repository, not the one that you just build yourself. If you want to use the one you just built, you will need to replace it by :
cp admingui/web/target/console-web-plugin-*.jar glassfish/modules/web/ and cp admingui/plugin-service/target/console-plugin-service*.jar glassfish/modules/
- glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain
- glassfish/bin/asadmin deploy admingui/war/target/admingui.war
Access admin console by going to http://localhost:8080/admingui