{DENY edit Guest}
{ALLOW edit psterk}

Bug Reports

This page contains details on the GAP Bug Reports awards category. Below is a table of open bugs as of 2008/1/17.

Glassfish Project Number of open bugs % Total $ Amount
AS(admin) 103 0.036 1968
AS(admin-gui) 92 0.032 1758
AS(amx) 8 0.003 153
AS(build_system) 14 0.005 268
AS(cmp) 4 0.001 76
AS(CLI) 39 0.014 745
AS(configuration) 12 0.004 229
AS(deployment) 54 0.019 1032
AS(docs) 46 0.016 879
AS(ejb_container) 29 0.01 554
AS(entity-persistence) 216 0.075 4128
AS(failover) 5 0.002 96
AS(group_management_service) 6 0.002 115
AS(hadb_admin) 1 0.012 669
AS(18n) 6 0.001 57
AS(installation) 35 0.005 268
AS(jbi) 3 0.003 153
AS(jca) 14 0.003 191
AS(jdbc) 8 0.002 115
AS(jms) 10 0.0003 19
AS(jts) 6 0.005 268
AS(lifecycle_modules) 1 0.006 344
AS(load_balancer) 14 0.005 268
AS(logging) 18 0.006 344
AS(mail) 1 0.0003 19
AS(monitoring) 10 0.003 191
AS(orb) 36 0.013 688
AS(other) 49 0.017 936
AS(packaging) 8 0.003 153
AS(rmi_iiop_failover) 2 0.001 38
AS(sample_apps) 5 0.002 96
AS(security) 29 0.01 554
AS(sqe-test) 3 0.001 57
AS(standalone_client) 16 0.006 306
AS(upgrade_tool) 10 0.003 191
AS(verifier) 23 0.008 440
AS(webpages) 1 0.0003 19
AS(web_container) 46 0.016 879
AS(web_services) 28 0.010 535
AS(web_services) 5 0.002 96
ajax 73 0.025 1396
blogapps 14 0.005 268
facelets 125 0.043 2389
fi-interop 0 0.005 248
genericjmsra 13 0.0003 19
glassfish-corba 0 0 0
glassfish-core 1 0.004 229
glassfish-inbox 0 0 0
glassfish-incubator 0 0 0
glassfish-samples 1 0.0003 19
glassfish-svn 0 0 0
grizzly 12 0.004 229
hk2 1 0.0003 19
hudson 393 0.137 7510
javacourseware 0 0 0
javaserverfaces 34 0.012 650
japex 17 0.006 325
jaxb 128 0.044 2446
jaxp 25 0.009 478
jax-ws 142 0.049 2714
jersey 15 0.005 287
jmaki-store 0 0 0
jsftemplating 22 0.008 420
jsf-extensions 46 0.016 879
jsp 0 0 0
jstl 0 0 0
lrwpinjava 0 0 0
metro 1 0.0003 19
mojarra 0 0 0
mq 3 0.001 57
open-esb 49 0.017 936
phobos 47 0.016 898
saaj 7 0.002 134
sailfin 162 0.056 3096
servlet 0 0 0
shoal 8 0.003 153
slynkr 4 0.001 76
sjsxp 11 0.004 210
socialfish 0 0 0
spnego 1 0.0003 19
stax-ex 0 0 0
uel 0 0 0
updatecenter 70 0.024 1338
widgets 6 0.002 115
woodstock 285 0.099 5446
wsit 133 0.046 2542
xmlstreambuffer 1 0.0003 19
xproc 5 0.002 96
xsom 0 0 0
xwss 7 0.002 134
*Total* *2878* *1.000* *55,000*