Tutorial Example Directory Structure

To facilitate iterative development and keep application source separate from compiled files, the
tutorial examples use the Java BluePrints application directory structure.

Each application module has the following structure:

  • build.xml: Ant build file
  • src/java: Java source files for the module
  • src/conf: configuration files for the module, with the exception of web applications
  • web: JSP and HTML pages, style sheets, tag files, and images
  • web/WEB-INF: configuration files for web applications
  • nbproject: NetBeans IDE project files

The Ant build files (build.xml) distributed with the examples contain targets to create
a build subdirectory and to copy and compile files into that directory; a
dist subdirectory, which holds the packaged module file; and a client-jar directory, which holds
the retrieved application client JAR.

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