Building the Examples on the Command-Line Using Ant Build properties common to all the examples are specified in the file in the INSTALL/sip-tutorial-1.0/examples/bp-project/ directory. You must create this file before you can run the examples. We've included a sample file,, that you should rename to and edit to reflect your environment. The tutorial examples use the Java BluePrints (<a href=""></a>) build system and application layout structure. To run the Ant scripts, you must set common build properties in the file INSTALL/sip-tutorial-1.0/examples/bp-project/ as follows:
- Set the javaee.home property to the location of your Telecommunications Application Server 9.1
installation. The build process uses the javaee.home property to include the libraries in JAVAEE_HOME/lib/ in the classpath. All examples that run on the Telecommunications Application Server 9.1 include the Java EE library archive, JAVAEE_HOME/lib/javaee.jar, in the build classpath. Some examples use additional libraries in JAVAEE_HOME/lib/; the required libraries are enumerated in the individual technology chapters. Note - On Windows, you must escape any backslashes in the javaee.home property with another backslash or use forward slashes as a path separator. So, if your Application Server installation is C:\sailfin, you must set javaee.home as follows: javaee.home = C: sailfin or javaee.home=C:/sailfin.
- Set the sip.tutorial.home property to the location of your tutorial. This property is
used for Ant deployment and undeployment. For example, on UNIX: sip.tutorial.home=/home/username/sip-tutorial-1.0or on Windows: sip.tutorial.home=C:/sip-tutorial-1.0. Do not install the tutorial to a location with spaces in the path.
- If you did not accept the default values for the admin user
and password, set the admin.user property to the value you specified when you installed the Telecommunications Application Server 9.1. You will also need to set the admin user's password in the passwordfile file in the INSTALL/sip-tutorial-1.0/bp-project/ directory to the value you specified when you installed the Application Server. You must create this file before you can run the examples. We've included a sample file, passwordfile.sample, that you should rename to passwordfile and edit to reflect the administrative password that you defined.
- If you did not use port 8080, set the domain.resources.port property to the
value specified when you installed the Telecommunications Application Server 9.1. [Previous|^gfmqv.txt] [Next|^gfmqo.txt]