CDI Review

Document: gfv3.1-cdi-half-pager

Reviewer: Vince Kraemer

Review date: May 24, 2010

Response date:

Item Type Comment Response
Reference number Clarification/Enhancement/Correction/.... Detailed review comments Response from functional spec/one pager author
1 correction please put this text into the wiki natively, so that the changes are tracked, etc. Ok, will fix this. The text file is one of the recommended one-pager formats and the revision to the spec can be traced via the attachment history. However I agree that change tracking is easier on the wiki and will make this into a wiki-version  
2 enhancement provide more details about what 'integrate Weld 1.1 into GlassFish 3.1' means... especially if it means more than changing a couple pom files and testing Integration does not involve just changing a couple of pom files. We ensure we comply the latest Weld container SPI and (as explained under the section "Weld 1.1 integration" in 2.1) possibly using the new reflection abstraction API for better performance, request SPI changes based on our usage and feedback from other modules in GlassFish and also test to ensure GlassFish 3.1 passes the Weld 1.1 TCK. The plans for 1.1 is outlined by JBoss at

. This link was provided in the one-pager and has all the information we have at this point in time. Please let me know if there any specific additional information that needs to be provided apart from what is provided in 2.1

3 enhancement provide more details about the enhanced 'container integration SPI by providing the ability for the container to override the reflection abstraction API'. A link to a specific section of a document or plan or e-mail thread or something would be very valuable. There is a link in the document that points to a JBoss blog entry about this feature. The blog has links to the proposed API and that is all the information we have now.  
4 enhancement describe the change that you intend to make to NetBeans more completely. which NetBeans modules are you going to change. How will users get these changed modules into their development environment? I still don't have a finalized list of all the enhancements we would like in the CDI area in NetBeans. I would collate all the requirements/enhancements and would work with you and NetBeans team to come up with a list of enhancements we can make in the 3.1 release. One of the major themes that would be useful to address in 3.1 is the issue of finding the root-cause of unsatisfied and ambiguous dependencies during typesafe resolution in the IDE. Today the IDE reports back a Weld stack-trace during application execution. It would be nice if we could provide more richer info on the reason why a dependency went unsatisfied or ambiguous through hints/tips/warnings etc at code development time in the editor.