
  • REST conversion
  • Move physical destination pages from configurations to servers/clusters


All pages are complete


JMS physical destination page for the admin server

JMS physical destination page for standalone instances

To get to this page, you must create an instance, click Stand-alone Instances in the menu (as seen highlighted in the image), then select the desired instance.

JMS physical destination page for clusters

To get to this page, you must create a cluster, click Clusters in the menu (as seen highlighted in the image), then select the desired cluster.

JMS Service page

JMS Hosts page

JMS host edit page

Known Issues

  • There seems to be some issues with the JMS backend under certain scenarios that prevent the CLI command list-jmsdest from working. I am currently trying to identify a reproducible test case for the JMS team. (Issue #13228)
  • Destinations leaked between clusters and standalone instances. Email in to developer. An issue may be filed, depending on what the developer says.
  • There seems to be a Windows-only issue with regard to list-instances against the DAS on a "clean" config

Developer Tests

Developer tests are available under admingui/devtest and can be run via mvn test.

Relevant devtests

  • JavaMessageServiceTest


cluster.png (image/png)
standalone.png (image/png)
das.png (image/png)
jmsservice.png (image/png)
jmshosts.png (image/png)
editjmshost.png (image/png)