This page provides links to review drafts of new and changed documentation for the DAS Recovery project as listed in the DAS Recovery Documentation Plan.

Mandatory reviewers for each item are listed in each section.

Changes to existing documentation since the last release are marked with change bars. No changes are marked in new documentation.

Please provide your feedback by adding a comment to this page. To simplify the processing of your comments, please add your comments in the format in the sample comment. Review existing comments to see known issues and avoid duplicates.

Changes to Books

Administration Guide Changes

Section Documentation Impact Reviewers Status
"Backing Up and Restoring a Domain" and "Recreating the Domain Administration Server (DAS)" in Chapter 3, Administering Domains Moderate Chris Kasso, Yamini K B, Sherry Hill In review. Comments due by February 4th, 2011.

Changes to Man Pages

Note - Comments are now closed for man pages. To suggest an improvement to a man page or report an error in a man page, file a GlassFish issue, subcomponent docs, against the man page.

Man Page Name and Section Documentation Impact Reviewers Status
backup-domain(1) Minor Chris Kasso Closed.
list-backups(1) Minor Chris Kasso Closed.
restore-domain(1) Minor Chris Kasso Closed.

backup-domain.pdf (application/octet-stream)
list-backups.pdf (application/octet-stream)
restore-domain.pdf (application/octet-stream)
3_administering-domains.pdf (application/octet-stream)
Comment ID Location Comment
MAF-001 Backing Up and Restoring a Domain Sample comment.
MAF-002 Recreating the Domain Administration Server (DAS) Another Sample comment.
Posted by oldestred at Jan 28, 2011 15:52
Comment ID Location Comment
CSK-001 Backing Up and Restoring a Domain Should there be an introduction that provides a high level overview of the purpose for these commands?
CSK-002 Ex 3-12 and 3-13 Would it be clearer if you make the two examples complimentary in that 3-13 is restoring (from the same location) what was backed up in 3-12?
CSK-003 To Restore a Domain step 1 It appears you are not addressing the OGS features that would allow a domain to be backed up using suspend-domain. While OSE user's won't have this available to them an OGS user may read this chapter. Shouldn't they be aware of this option?
CSK-004 To Restore a Domain Why isn't --backupdir listed as an option here but it is listed in the List Domain Backups section? It is not clear to me what drove which options are highlighted in this chapter.
CSK-005 Ex 3-14 Nice to show output here.
CSK-006 Recreating the DAS Would be nice to have some explanatory dialog here regarding why one would do this.
CSK-007 Recreating the DAS, Note Shouldn't we also promote the scheduled backup features of OGS here? Heck, shouldn't we do that back in the "Backing up the Domain" section?
CSK-008 Migrate the DAS 1a "Install the GlassFish Server administration package"? What's that?
CSK-009 Migrate the DAS 1a ./bundled-filename -console I didn't see a console option. Which bundle has it?
CSK-010 Migrate the DAS 2 I would expect a better practice to be to store the backs on a shared filesystem that is not hosted on the same system the current DAS is on. When it is time to migrate the backup should be taken from that other system. This is a practice that probably should be highlighted somewhere. Don't maintain the backups with the DAS otherwise if the DAS system goes down you are hosed.
CSK-011 Migrate the DAS 4 What's the origin of this requirement? It also wouldn't work on Windows.
CSK-012 Migrate the DAS 8 They need to stop the old DAS first (if it is currently running). We don't want two DAS' running at the same time.
CSK-013 Migrate the DAS 9 OGS users can use update-admin-server-coordinates here.
Posted by ckasso at Feb 04, 2011 11:25
Comment ID Response
CSK-001 Yes. I'd like to discuss what we should say here.
CSK-002 Yes. Done.
CSK-003 (Assuming you meant "To Backup a Domain" Step 1.) The Oracle GlassFish Server version of this step includes this information.
CSK-004 The original intent was to highlight the new options. The fact that --backupdir is missing from this section was an oversight. However, an offline reviewer has suggested that this is inappropriate.
CSK-005 Done.
CSK-006 Agreed, and I believe it should relate to the introduction suggested above in CSK-001.
CSK-007 Added note to this section because the procedure's steps are simpler using Oracle GlassFish Server.
CSK-008 Removed. This instruction was a holdover from 2.1.1.
CSK-009 Removed. This instruction was a holdover from 2.1.1.
CSK-010 Rewrote this step.
CSK-011 Removed. This step was a holdover from 2.1.1. Same for steps 5, 6 and 7.
CSK-012 Added this step.
CSK-013 The Oracle GlassFish Server version of this step includes this information.
Posted by oldestred at Feb 16, 2011 12:38